Finally, in a thoughtful set of reflections on early transcontinental diplomacy, Zoltán Biedermann walks readers through three different ways of imagining the relationship between the local and the global, deftly pointing out the pitfalls and opportunities of each along the way.Thirdly, two contributions in this collection pay special attention to small details in their sources that might otherwise be ignored by historians working only from a global vantage point. As early as 1997, in his classic article on connected histories, Sanjay Subrahmanyam dismissed the possibility of writing a macrohistory of sixteenth-century millenarianism without ‘muddying our boots in the bogs of “micro-history” ’.For their part, microhistorians have a long, arguably more fruitful, record of thinking about how their craft relates to macro and, more recently, to global history.In many ways, this French tradition was rather different from the distinct Italian expression of microhistory that emerged in the 1980s in the works of such scholars as Carlo Ginzburg, Edoardo Grendi and Giovanni Levi. In a similar gesture, Filippo de Vivo seizes on contemporary accounts of one specific battle in the Mediterranean to argue that information was a ‘transformational process’ refracted through intensely localized and socially defined activities. L’introduction du commentaire pour ne jamais avoir l’angoisse de la page blanche! In 2013, David Bell, the historian of early modern France, questioned the future of global history: ‘Perhaps the global turn, for all of its insights and instruction, has hit a point of diminishing returns’.If we are going to muster meaningful narratives about the togetherness of strangers near and far, we are going to have to be more global and get more serious about engaging other languages and other ways of telling history. 3 Roger Chartier, ‘La conscience de la globalité (commentaire)’, Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, lvi, 1 (2001), esp. To this end, this volume has been made open access to download for free to any reader interested in global history, globally. For this reason, I have tended to think of the contributions gathered here as a set of experiments conducted by scholars using, more or less, similar instruments. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide,This PDF is available to Subscribers Only.For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription.Search for other works by this author on:This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,Military Mobility, Authority and Negotiation in Early Colonial India,‘Funk Money’: The End of Empires, The Expansion of Tax Havens, and Decolonization as an Economic and Financial Event,Internationalizing Colonial War: On the Unintended Consequences of the Interventions of the International Committee of the Red Cross in SOUTH-EAST ASIA, 1945–1949,‘The Harmony of One Choir’? Early modern history has traditionally been a particularly fruitful period for experimentation in historical methodologies, microhistory chief among them. (« le texte à commenter est un extrait … écrit par … »).Si l'on peut, faire une accroche avec citation.Présentation de l'auteur si c'est un commentaire de texte,Présentation de l'ouvrage si c'est un commentaire de texte,Le contexte (date, etc, plus les éléments du contexte),Le thème/problématique (sous forme interrogative si l'on veut) → rester relativement large,Soit on l'a fait séparée soit on le fait dans le,3-4 lignes, ce n'est pas un résumé du devoir,On peut rappeler les grandes lignes du texte.On peut ouvrir sur une autre idée du texte, ou ouvrir un perspective sur l'avenir (ex : question sur la période suivante).Si jamais la partie n'est pas assez étoffée, remonter la conclusion dans le B') et conclure dans cette partie.Uniquement disponible sur,Commentaire D'arrêt: droits réels sur le domaine public des collectivités territoriales,Commentaire d'arrêt, droit des contrats: le contrat de location,Commentaire D'arrêt Droit De La Famille: les effets du mariage.Commentaire d'arrêt: Droit Civil: Arrêt St Catherine: La possession loyale et prolongée fait-elle obstacle à la revendication du nom de ses ancêtres ?Commentaire D'arrêt Droit Civil: le divorce,Commentaire D'arrêt Droit De L'emploi: 35 heures,Commentaire D'arrêt Droit Administratif: les établissements publics administratifs et les établissements publics industriels et et commerciaux,Correction commentaire intro au droit 1ère année. I acknowledge individual contributions in the notes that follow but also in my separate article in this volume. 122 for the citation; for the editorial foreword in the same issue, see ‘Une histoirie à l’échelle globale’, Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, lvi, 1 (2001), 3–4. Music and Social Unity in Reformation Heidelberg,Kerosene Nights: Light and Enlightenment in Late Ottoman Jerusalem,,,Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic,Copyright © 2020 Past and Present Society. 638578).Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Riello’s contribution is an important reminder of the risk of thinking about the ‘global’ in an uncritical or anachronistic way: for him, the ‘world making’ expressed in costume books was ‘surprisingly void of connectivity’. Les citations du texte doivent permettre la démonstration, c'est-à-dire la réponse à la problématique de l'introduction. Journals, chairs and centres of global history have proliferated, along with conferences, workshops and research projects developed around its core themes. In part, this has something to do with the ragtag assemblage of tribes that have made a home for themselves, willingly or not, under the big tent of global history. Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez ? Méthodologie. * This volume originates in a workshop held in Venice in 2016, which was funded by the Global History and Culture Centre at the University of Warwick and a generous grant from the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. La troisième étape est consacrée à la répartition des thèmes dégagés autour de deux idées principales qui vous aideront à élaborer un plan. Going deeper into the stories of Others afar and Strangers at home means dispensing with the idea that global integration was like an electric circuit, bringing light to the connected… The story of the globalists illuminates some at the expense of others, the left behind, the ones who cannot move, and those who become immobilised because the light no longer shines on them.Adelman’s reflections went viral, carried like wildfire on an online digital infrastructure that represents yet another significant change in how ideas have come to circulate since the advent of global history.Global history is definitely not in crisis, but it certainly is a family at war with itself. De Vries makes it very clear that he has little faith in the ability of microhistory to ‘aggregate’ to the level of macro or global histories. The place-specific learning that historical research in a pre-digital world required is no longer baked into the process. Everything is not linked and connected to everything else. Arabia in the age of Mohammed, Germany in the age of Luther, or Paris in the French Revolution are all spaces of this sort.Some might quibble with the idea of ‘Arabia in the age of Mohammed’ as a ‘small space’, but what matters here is Bell’s point about how certain forms of global history prioritize the.Thirdly, the great diversity of scholars working within global history means that the field has a particularly fraught interaction with important questions about its relationship to sources, theoretical frameworks, and its engagement with other fields, most notably the social sciences. Exemples de dissertations. This is not to say that the approaches on display here are only relevant to the early modern world, and it is hoped that scholars of earlier and later periods will find here examples of how to pursue similar questions in their own work. Until we have more evidence akin to Luke Clossey and Nicholas Guyatt’s study of American history departments, it remains to be seen whether global history will prove meaningful — and if so, in what ways — to historians working outside Europe and America.The fate of place-based research, the ability to explain change, its relationship to sources and theoretical frameworks, and its record on Eurocentrism: these four issues are just some of the problems facing global history today, and they are as much a concern to people working within the field as they are to those working outside it. Une mauvaise introduction mettra … Asking whether global history could profit from a focus on ‘small things as well as large’, his answer is direct and to the point: ‘It is very hard indeed to see how not’.What does it mean to see the world like a microhistorian? Rather than chart the trade of sea otters and iron from the prospect of global trade flows, for example, Maxine Berg’s contribution focuses instead on a close study of the port of Nootka Sound, a site in which value and exchange were ascertained in specific ways that could also impact back on global trade flows. Exemple d’étude de documents. [...].Le droit pénal est l'ensemble des règles communes, générales à toutes les infractions....Vous souhaitez une version plus récente de ce sujet ?La capacité à mobiliser ses connaissances et la capacité à raisonner juridiquement seront évaluées dans l'exercice du cas utilise des cookies sur son site. In 1979, Carlo Ginzburg and Carlo Poni described a sort of ‘nominative methodology’ wherein by following identical names as they appeared in different Italian archives, historians could ‘reconstruct the interconnections among diverse conjunctures’.The four contributions of Berg, de Vivo, Riello and Biedermann each grapple with deeper questions about the relationship between the local and the global and how that relationship varied across both space and time. As he explained it (intending to be provocative, it seems):If you are not doing an explicitly transnational, international or global project, you now have to explain.In 2016, Robert Moore went a step further, explaining the rise of global history as a natural result of ‘the collapse of every alternative paradigm’ in the late twentieth century.Not every research project requires a global perspective; it is not always the global context that is most central to the issue. The articles reflect a wide range of interests and inspirations drawn from many contexts: the formative instances of trade and economic exchange in the Pacific world (Berg); the concentrated nodes of life in imperial cities (Bertrand); the practices of transcontinental diplomacy in the shadow of the Portuguese empire (Biedermann); the jurisdictional pluralism of the Western Mediterranean (Calafat); the dynamic hubs of Mediterranean information networks (de Vivo); the practical and scientific sites of knowledge-making and production (Easterby-Smith); the processes of mobility and identification that connected the Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds (Ghobrial); the visual and material lattices of art and costume books (Riello); the accumulated traditions and practices of dynasties (Duindam); and the connected singularities of labour in the early modern world (De Vito).Taken together, the collection showcases a group of scholars thinking about a similar set of methodological problems across a rather diverse array of historical subjects.