Brooke ended her union with Ridge and decided to do what was right for the baby and still admitted she had feelings for Nick as well. I do NOT do Brooke clips. Brooke explained to Bridget about her relationship with Bill. She is currently the Forrester matriarch of the family, because of Stephanie Forrester's passing. It ended after Bridget sadly found out about her mother's treachery. After that Thomas kissed Brooke in a Brooke's Bedroom fashion show. Brooke is the oldest daughter of Stephen Logan and Beth Henderson, the younger sister of Storm Logan, and the older sister of Donna Logan and Katie Logan. Brooke on ollut nuoresta tytöstä lähtien rakastunut rikkaaseen playboyhin, Ridge Forresteriin. Deacon stayed and proposed to Quinn, which made her very happy. Brooke Logan (formerly Forrester, Chambers, Jones & Marone) is a fictional character on the CBS daytime soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. Brooke Logan-Forrester-Chambers-Jones-Marone-Spencer has probably had more weddings than any other character in soapie history. Tälläkin kertaa isän henkilöllisyys oli epävarma. Liam asks Alison about Bill's new room. Ridgellä ja Brookella on yksi lapsi, R.J. Billillä ja Brookella oli seksisuhde kun Bill oli vielä naimisissa Brooken siskon Katien kanssa. Katie called Brooke to her office to tell her she's leaving town with Will for good but she'll still run, Spencer Publications. Rick arrived at the Forrester Mansion, very disheveled. Katie came to the house and found Brooke in a robe in bed with Bill although nothing had happened. Ridge rushed over there and found Brooke in undergarments and an unbuttoned robe. Brooke logan chambers compagnons. Deacon resisted but then kissed Brooke. Upon returning home, Brooke was amused by Bill's obsession with replacing Spectra Fashions with a skyscraper and unbeknownst at that time, that was the beginning of the end of the marriage. Ridge told Carter that he quit and right when Ridge was fleeing out the door, Carter stopped him to tell him something important. Brooke finds a bottle of vodka while Katie is checking on Will. At Brooke and Ridge's wedding, Carter Walton, found a poem he thought represented Ridge and Brooke's relationship which happened to be Ridge and Katie's favorite poem, "Love's Philosophy" and Katie fainted to the ground. They eat salad and chicken while Brooke and Bill are laughing and getting along. Katie asked for 1% of Spencer Publication's degrading Bill to 49% and Karen had 50%. Eric and Brooke were amazed and Eric wouldn't let Ridge humiliate Rick like that. Brooke however was left aghast to find out years later that Deacon willingly destroyed Hope's marriage to Liam for Bill Spencer in order to get out of prison. Brooke then came to visit at Katie's new office and continually stuck up for Bill. Brooke was hesitant but Katie kept trying to convince her and so did Bill. He went over and found a spy camera and looked around and found the rest. Bridget and Brooke's relationship was strained once again. Brooke rakasti kuitenkin yhä Ericin poikaa Ridgeä. Brooke decided to come out to Katie about the affair. He told his mother who was angry at Deacon at first but afterwards forgave him. As Katie had suspected the entire time, Bill had began an affair with Brooke. Monien vaiheiden jälkeen Ridge lopulta paljastui syntyneen poikalapsen isäksi ja poika sai nimeksään Ridge Junior eli R.J. Nick väistyi syrjään ja ajautui lopulta naimisiin Brooken tyttären Bridgetin kanssa. Katie assures Bill she has not been drinking. In 2016, RJ returns at 16, much to his parents' displeasure, he informs them how he moved here from boarding school to live with them. Deacon informed Brooke that he absolutely wants to marry Quinn. Nick and Brooke remained close friends. Eric made Ridge and Brooke both co-vice presidents of the company. Bill went for the alcohol and asked if it was alright and Brooke said she didn't mind at all. Katherine Kelly Lang (03/1987-present) Catherine Hickland (1987; temp) Sandra Fergus (1997; temp) Brooke rambles about how wrong their relationship is but Bill insists one more time. Deacon informed Brooke about the big news who didn't approve of this. Brooke stopped in, at the Forrester Mansion alone and drank multiple glasses of vodka depressed about her solitude, talking to the picture of Stephanie on the wall. Siitä lähtien kun Brooke tapasi Ridgen, on hahmojen suhde ollut ongelmallinen. Ridge, now played by Thorsten Kaye...however has not mentioned why he did not come back for his mother's funeral nor indicated that Brooke who was there for his mother when she died nor the time she spent with her in her last days. Brooke insisted that she wouldn't let this happen. Brooke confronted Maya about her and Rick's honesty and her not being who she really is. Before Bill and Brooke left, Ridge told Brooke not to marry Bill. Katie arrived at the Logan Mansion to argue with Brooke. Bill arrived at the Logan Mansion to speak to Brooke. Karen admitted that they were a good match for each other. Lang is one of the for original cast members still on the show. He didn't love Katie anymore and reasoned that deep down Katie didn't love him, not the real him like Brooke. Brooke admitted she'd had a boyfriend in high school who died from distracted driving and issued a stern lecture to R.J. and Coco. Katie went ballistic and gave her ring back to Bill and stormed off. He planned on a life with Brooke, his son, and his company. Kun Brooke oli epäonnistunut saamaan Ridgeä pois vaimoltaan Taylorilta, hän ajautui suhteeseen tyttärensä Bridgetin miehen, Deaconin kanssa. Katie demanded that Brooke stay away from her husband and demanded that Bill tell Brooke that nothing would ever develop between them. Brooke left Nick for Ridge and Bridget miscarried. Maya stated she'll tell Rick when he proposes which they agreed they both know is soon. Wyatt and Hope get married in Milan, Italy, because Liam showed up to late to meet Hope. Brooke's had many marriages, most to Ridge Forrester, who she considers to be her true love. Brooke flew to a business trip to Monte Carlo with Donna. Both Brooke and Taylor married Thorne Forrester and Nick Marone and been in a relationship with Eric Forrester also. Deacon insisted he's committed to her. This started on the longest greatest triangles as Ridge bounced back and forth between the two women. However, the three of them begin to bond through having family dinners and looking through photo albums. Brooke later leaves for Milan and tells Katie and Bill they can have a chance to be together. Hahmo on ollut mukana sarjassa aivan alusta, vuodesta 1987 lähtien. Brooke informs RJ that she's currently engaged with Bill, much to RJ's dismay. Brooke invites Katie and Bill over for dinner again. Ridge attacks Bill on his desk at Spencer Publications while Brooke breaks them up. Brooke put down the aspirins and drank some more alcohol instead. Quinn began to get nervous with Brooke back in town. Brooke on tunnettu naisena joka seuraa sydäntään mitä ikinä se hänelle kertookaan. Rick found her and helped her go home. Brooke secretly called Bill to show up without telling Karen and he did. Although it was a text of her telling Deacon to stay away, Ridge blew a gasket about Brooke again lying to him. Bill went to Brooke's and let her know that he has been patient with her and won't take no for an answer. (By that yardstick, Eric Forrester/John McCook is B&B as well, for a similar reason.) After Hope was born, Ridge whom Brooke was seeing again was devastated and disgusted to find out about Hope's paternity. Nov 29, 2014 - Brooke Logan Forrester (formerly Chambers, Jones, Marone& Spencer ) is a fictional character on the CBS daytime soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. Karen knew that Bill and Brooke were back together. Brooke Logan (formerly Forrester, Chambers, Jones & Marone) is a fictional character on the CBS daytime soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. Katie called and Brooke refused to let Katie talk to Bill. Before leaving, Ridge told Eric who was shocked. When there was controversy about Brooke's pregnancy due to her adultery and backstabbing of her daughter Bridget by sleeping with her son-in-law Deacon Sharpe, Whip Jones stood up and said he was the father to Brooke's daughter, Hope to end the controversy of who fathered Brooke's baby. Hän oli vakuuttunut että tämä oli rakkautta jota hän oli etsinyt koko elämänsä ajan. Brooke Logan Forrester (formerly Chambers, Jones, Marone, and Spencer) is one of the core four original characters and the Quintessential Anti Heroine of The The Bold and the Beautiful. Brooke tapasi viimein Ridgen ollessaan mukana pitopalvelussa Forrestereiden järjestämissä juhlissa. Katie was shocked because she thought that Eric liked her but told him to do it for the position. Both Brooke and Bridget had urged Nick to take a 'dying' Katie off somewhere and make her last days, special but nobody expected Katie to come up pregnant. Kun Ridge jätti Brooken Carolinen takia, alkoi Brooke tavata naimisissa olevaa Eric Forresteria. ... Brooke allora sposa il tizio (ok, ha un nome: Grant Chambers) a bordo di una nave. Brooke convinced Bill that she'd be with him only if he told Katie. Stephanien mieli kuitenkin muuttui jälleen Brooken mennessä naimisiin Nickin kanssa. RJ encourages Ridge to propose to his mom. After nearly a year of an affair with Deacon, he had reason to believe that she might love him. Upon arriving home from her honeymoon, Brooke was stunned to learn that Sheila was back in town claiming to be rehabilitated. RJ encourages Ridge to try to woo Brooke back for their family. Katie invites Brooke over to her house to apologize for the other day. Brooke called her Myron and stated she knows. Brooke Logan Forrester (formerly Chambers, Jones, Marone & Spencer) is a fictional character on the CBS daytime soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful. 30 anni di (assurda) storia di Brooke Logan in Beautiful stipata in 1594 parole. As for Brooke and Taylor, they never blamed Ridge or held him accountable for his actions, instead they blamed each other. The character is part of the original four central characters and actors (including her onscreen double-decade long love and husband, Ridge Forrester, and his parents Stephanie and Eric). Postać pojawiła się w ponad 4000 odcinków.. Charakterystyka. Quinn and Deacon sent out e-vites to their wedding ceremony. Katherine Kelly Lang (03/1987-present) Catherine Hickland (1987; temp) Sandra Fergus (1997; temp) Testien mukaan isä oli Ridge, testit oli kuitenkin käynyt sotkemassa Ericiin rakastunut katala Sheila Carter. Grant Chambers - Brooke Logan. Eric told her that they worked well together and it's a business decision. Lisäksi Brooke on BeLieF -rypyttömyysaineen keksijä. Deacon returns to L.A. and tries to woo Brooke but fails. Grant Chambers − fikcyjna postać Mody na sukces. Losing her baby, Brooke felt saddened for her sister and allowed Jack, her son by Nick to spend time with Katie to help cheer her up because of her loss. Hyväntahdoneleenä hän luovutti Brookelle takaisin Forresterin muotitalon johtajuuden. Nick ja Brooke menivätkin naimisiin ja avio-onni kukoisti, kunnes Nick päätyi sänkyyn Bridgetin kanssa. Years later after another failed marriage to Bridget because he had an affair with Katie, and she became pregnant, Taylor and Nick got together. Actress History: Katherine Kelly Lang (03/1987-present), Catherine Hickland (1987; temp), Sandra Fergus (1997; temp) Brooke supported Eric when he suffered a brain hemorrhage but couldn't support his marriage to Quinn or his decision to appoint Steffy CEO of Forrester instead of Rick. Stephanie and Brooke continued a huge rivalry that carried through until Stephanie's death where Stephanie finally apologized to Brooke when she was dying of cancer for the way she had treated her over the years and Brooke apologized for hurting her too. Rick then told Brooke that Hope was engaged to Liam again (after 2 stopped marriages) and Brooke was very happy. Suhteen paljastuminen lopulta toi kuitenkin välirikon Brooken ja Bridgetin väliseen suhteeseen, jonka paranemiseen meni pitkä aika. After being married for awhile, Rick and Maya informed Brooke and Eric that Maya's sister, Nicole Avant, was going to be a surrogate to their baby, via Rick's sperm being implanted. Bill and Brooke went rock climbing in Aspen, Colorado. Brooke ja Stephanie eivät ole koskaan oikein tulleet toimeen ja vuosien varrella vihamiehet ovat tapelleet lukemattomia kertoja.