1 I care not afarthing for Janus, let him turn his brows upon me from whichforehead he pleases. Epist. To set up truth is our victory, and the victor's glory is toplease his God, and the precious spoil of that victory is eternal life ;and this life we certainly win by dying for it, therefore we conquerwhen we are killed, and being killed are out of the reach of youand all other vexations for ever. lib. 1 Socrates the great Grecian philosopher, and Cato thegreat Roman censor, are both pimps. Carnis cap. When supperis ended, and we have washed our hands, and the candles are, Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. For certainly it is more reasonable to. Now, among all these male- factors, there is not a Christian to be found for any crime but thatof his name only, or if there be, we disown him for a Christian. We should see these wishes, I say, in theirhearts for Caesar's death, even in the moment that their mouths arefull of cry for Caesar's life, according to that of the poet:1. Butnow they lie under His just judgments, and which too they havefelt long before the name of Christian had a being in the world, andwhose goods man enjoyed long before he had made himself any. Our author mentions these several sorts of conjurors, because manyof them had been put to death upon this account by Severus. 32. Vide etiam Sueton.cap. L Apologetique de Tertullien: Apologie Du Christianisme (2e Edition) (Religion) by Tertullien. Fencing is that which is here meant, and because freely bestowed,called Munus, and the bestowers of them Munerarii. But now in all this conspiracy of evils againstus, in the midst of these mortal provocations, what one evil haveyou observed to have been returned by Christians ? i, 2, giving order to the Churches of Galatia and Corinth for weeklyofferings for the saints, " That upon the first day of the week " (when they neverfailed to receive the sacrament) " they should every one of them lay by him instore according as God had prospered him." But the Christians would not express their joy by lights and laurels; and forcandles, we find an express prohibition against them in the Apostolical Canons,can. ANOTHER article we are indicted upon is this, that we are a good-for-nothing, useless sort of people to the world; but how can thispossibly be, since we converse with you as men, we use the samediet, habit, and necessary furniture ? ede. THAT CHRISTIANS ARE COMMANDED TO LOVE THEIR ENEMIES. iv. Tertullian's 1 Or say that after He was buried, His disciplescame and stole away His body out of the sepulchre, or that He isyet among the dead ? Symmach. 3 Inténtalo de nuevo. Dr. Potter observes from hence thatamong many other reasons why a certain proportion for the maintenance of theclergy was not fixed by the apostles, this was one, that there could be no occasionto determine the portion then, when men laid all they had at their feet; and thesame reason held good to our Tertullian's time, for he says here that Christianshad all things in common but their wives. But now if a Christianshall affirm that man shall be made man again after death, andCaius rise the very same Caius again, he is in danger of beingmobbed, and having all the sticks and stones in the street presentlyabout his ears. ad Demetr. x., you willsee that the Grecians had not so much as the use of letters till Cadmus thePhoenician introduced them, which the Phoenicians had from the Syrians, that is,the Hebrews, which bordered upon them. Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. apologie translation in French-Vietnamese dictionary. CONCERNING THE DISCIPLINE OF CHRISTIANS, AND THEIR GODS' THE EMPERORS. iv. Vid. But our author tells them that the flesh and blood of Christianswas like other folks, that they understood natural rights and liberties, had thesame aversion to suffering, the same passion for preservation and pleasure thatthe heathens had ; and whereas they alone were the people who seemed to haveforgot humanity, by their enduring the most exquisite torments not only withpatience, but with joy and thanksgiving, yet this was far from the effect of anystoical apathy, but purely the strength of their faith, which overcame the reluct- ance of nature, the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, whichenabled them to despise the life present, and that light affliction which is but fora moment, and which worketh for them a far more exceeding and eternal weightof glory. 2 Butwhat philosopher is compelled to sacrifice or swear by your gods,or to hang out a parcel of insignificant lights at noonday upon yourfestivals ? Your temples indeed we leave to yourselves, andthey are the only places you can name without Christians. And in the house of Ashtaroth called by the LXX.0Asta&rth did the Philistines hang up Saul's armour after his death. 114 Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. 122 Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. 2 This page has been accessed by 10, p. 1011 which is still a further proof that the passage sine monitoreought not to be understood of extempore prayer. And as the Jewswere hated for their reservedness, selfishness, and ill-nature, and therefore madelittle progress, so, on the other hand, the Christians were as much admired evenby their enemies, for the sweetness of their temper, their patience and unboundedcharity, and therefore spread the more prodigiously. The Christians made no scruple toobserve the day with a conscientious mirth, though they would not join in thepublic debauchery. Do you hear at the trials any article, 1 That which you reproach in us asstubbornness has been the most instructing mistress in proselytingthe world; for who has not been struck at the sight of that youcall stubbornness, and from thence pushed on to look into thereality and reason of it ? iv. But if Augustus would never assumethe title of lord, he would much less have thought it Caesar's due, 1 He challenges theirsenses, their eyes, and their ears to be judges in the case ; he defies them to denyit if they can ; he stands ready to answer for the experiment with his own blood,that their celestial virgin, their Aesculapius, and all the rest of those theyworship for gods, shall not only quit the bodies they possess, but publicly in thehearing of them all confess themselves to be devils, upon the demand of anyChristian. And where is now the similitude between a philosopherand a Christian ? part iv. Vid. THE Christian sect therefore for a certain ought to meet withkinder treatment than it does, and to be tolerated among otherlawful societies,1 because it is a sect from whom nothing hostile evercomes, like the dreadful issue of other unlawful factions. Butthen he supposes withal that this extraordinary gift ceased soon after, and thatliturgies came into practice long before the time of St. CONCERNING THE ODIOUS TITLE OF CHRISTIAN. 174, 179. extremely concerned at the increase of Christianity, made and consecrated atripod of laurel, with all the letters of the alphabet fastened to it, to know whoshould he the man that was to succeed Valens in the empire ; a contrivanceperhaps in imitation of Urim and Thummim, which (as some say) consisted ofall the letters of the alphabet, which upon a question proposed did arise after astrange manner, and joined themselves into words or syllables, and so returned acomplete answer. Where now is the wonderful difference in these two cases ? But how ridiculous a thing is it to ascribe the Romangrandeur to the merits of the Roman religion, when the grandeur isolder than the religion ; or rather the religion increased and multi- plied in proportion to the state. But you arethe only persons of religion who pray for their safety where itcannot be had, and overlook Him who alone has it in His power.But those who know how to ask it, and can obtain it too, becausethey know how to ask it; those, I say, you are persecuting out ofthe world. Vid. A trader in fame, and a saver of souls." All the primitive Fathers assert the same fact, with the sameassurance. The reader will find this largely treatedby Eusebius in his Praepar. Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 It is all at most but human wisdom, andthat (as Tertullian says) is as subject to error as human power is to contempt,and both consequently subject to dispute. And all the lucid interval theyhave for this devilish enjoyment is but until the day of judgment." Select. Thus, then, while we are stretching forth our hands to our God,let your tormenting irons harrow our flesh; let your gibbets exaltus, or your fires lick up our bodies, or your swords cut off ourheads, or your beasts tread us to earth. THE PUBLIC. of Juvenal of the Christians, and reads itthus. 10. ; 8o. TERTULLIEN 1° Il est inique de condamner une cause sans l'instruire, de haïr ce qu'on ignore, ce qu'on veut ignorer (I, 2-3). We have nothing to do with themadness of the Cirque, with the obsceneness of the stage, and thecruelty of the amphitheatre, and the vanity of the Xystus.1 TheEpicurean sect is tolerated in the exercise of their pleasures, andwhy are we such intolerable offenders for non-conforming withyou in point of pleasure? Such sports and plays which were exhibited by private men attheir own charges in order to ingratiate with the people, were called Ludihonorarii; and those of this nature were for the most part either fencing orstage-plays. If so, what can be urgedagainst this demonstration of the truth of the Christian religion ? 2 The last dyingwords of Socrates we have in the conclusion of Plato's Phaedo, and they are Every province and city has its proper gods, as Syriathe god Ashtaroth,3 Arabia has Disares, Bavaria Belinus, Africa theCelestial Virgin,4 and Mauritania their kings. and in yourself you will find an answer. De nostris annis Jupiter augeat annos. v. cap. Apology for the Christians. xvi. Ham,which signifies fervidus from the radix [Hebrew] We could also make a terrible war upon you without arms, orfighting a stroke, by being so passively revengeful as only to leaveyou; for if such a numerous host of Christians should but retirefrom the empire into some remote region of the world, the loss ofso many men of all ranks and degrees would leave a hideous gap,and a shameful scar upon the government; and the very evacuationwould be abundant revenge. CONCERNING THE GOD OF CHRISTIANS, BY WHOM KINGS REIGN, AND THE PRAYERS OF CHRISTIANS FOR THE LIFE OF THE Kyk na milions woorde en frases in alle tale. 143. And why not ? 27 distinct works L'Apologétique: Apologie du christianisme écrite en l'an 197 après J.-C. by Consider what you were Myst. But the meanest mechanic amongChristians apprehends God, and can answer the question, and canassign substantial reasons, and very sensibly explain himself uponall these disquisitions about the divine nature; though Platoaffirms it to be so difficult to find out the Creator of the universe,and when found, to express himself intelligibly upon that subject.But if you make a challenge between Christians and heathens, inpoint of morals, let us enter the lists, and begin with chastity; andin the trial of Socrates I read one article of the Athenians againsthim for sodomy; but a Christian keeps inviolably to one sexand one woman. THAT THE GENTILES ARE SET AGAINST CHRISTIANS BY THE INSTIGATION OF EVIL SPIRITS. p. 486, lib. Apology for the Christians. We meet together likewise for the reading of Holy Scriptures,2and we take such lessons out of them as we judge suit bestwith the condition of the times, to confirm our faith either by. Ohthe just condemnation of Christians ! Tell me then, which do you take tobe the fullest and completes! angels into Abraham's bosom, so they concluded that every righteous soul in the And yet these philosophers destroy your gods openly,1and write against your superstitions, and with your approbation intothe bargain. are we traitors to theemperors because we do not set them below their own possessions ?because we will not make mock addresses for their safety, con- cluding it cannot be in the keeping of hands of lead. 123. fix the notion beyond dispute ? And therefore let us enter a little into a comparisonbetween your laws and ours. What, in obedience to us ? Munerarii. CONCERNING THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY. Now from a doctrine so harmless in itself andconsequences, according to the sense of the orthodox (though abused indeed byCorinthus and his followers), recommended by the venerable antiquity of anapostolical person, as Papias was, an opinion that has so much to be said for itfrom Scripture, from the Revelation especially, as appears by the learned Mr.Mede and others, and which we are freely left to believe or disbelieve at ourdiscretion ; is it not, I say, very disingenuous as well as very trifling in Mr.Daille to argue from hence against the authority of the Fathers ? Incensis erepta adytis, Mensaeq. For although the whole force of demons and suchkind of spirits is subjected to us, yet, like other rebellious slaves,their fear is mixed with contumacy, and it is their meat and drinkto be hurting those whom otherwise they are afraid of, for servilefear inspires hatred. For, if I mistake not, kingdoms or empires are got by wars, andpropagated by victories, and wars and victories for the most partconclude in the captivity and desolation of cities. CONCERNING THE MALICE AND PERVERSENESS OF THE JUDGES, IN It is our sins that provoked God to open the bottom- less pit, and let loose such locusts; but were we turning to God, and repentingof the works of our own hands, we might hope that their power should be takenfrom them, and that their folly should be made known unto all men." "The representation of a soul exulting for fulness and What more lovely or desirable than to live in the hearts of his subjects, and tohave them all praying for him without the help of a monitor?" in Syr. CHRISTIANS ABOVE THAT OF ALL OTHER PEOPLE. This is the famouschallenge I just now referred to, and which I would not have the reader to passover without reflection ; for never was anything appealed to in more daringwords, or more easy to be detected, if an imposture. Or verily yours arevery unjust kinds of deities, who revenge themselves upon theirworshippers for the sake of Christians who will not worship them,and make no distinction between friends and foes. 2 vols. ;pertinax Deorum indulgentia semper excubuit. You, then, are the presumptuous and impertinent, and notwe ; you who rashly adventure to pass sentence against principlesso palpably conducing to general good ; however, if you will upbraidour religion with folly and impertinence, yet certainly you can nevercharge it with mischief to any person breathing; you can at mostbut look upon it like abundance of other romances, which by thelaws are not penal, and which, though vain and fabulous, are notcriminal, but as harmless stories, without accusation or punishment,pass freely among you. CONCERNING ANOTHER REASON OF THE CHRISTIANS IN PRAYING These and such like were the formsupon which they tried Christians. Now these pro-, 1 2 xiii., and there you will find withwhat good reason the Fathers charged the philosophers in general, and Plato inparticular, for shirking from the Holy Scriptures, according to that of Eusebius,Praepar. THAT THE EMPERORS MAINTAIN THE GODS RATHER THAN THE Besides, hereby they gave some encouragement to suffering:,when men saw how much care was taken to honour and secure the relics of theirmortality, and that their bodies should not be persecuted after death." Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple(namely John) should not die." 134 Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. Let them wipe off the brand of their own ignominy anddamnation. Vid. Greek word ko&lpoj; truly signifies, the primitive Christians understood a place THAT CHRISTIANS HAVE A BETTER RIGHT TO A TOLERATION Anaxarchus while the executionerwas pounding him like barley in a mill; Pound on, pound on, sayshe, for you pound not Anaxarchus but his budget. Reprinted in a second edition 1716/1717. turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life ; hereby intimating, as I Did we evercome together to the ruin of any one person ? I shall not here enter intothe necessary qualifications of a perfect rule of faith, and prove such qualificationsto be in Holy Scripture, but observe only, that supposing philosophers to be inthe right, yet all their reasonings were but the reasonings of mere men, andtherefore fallible. And it is this, that weare of opinion that the conflagration of the universe which is nowat hand, and is likely to flame out in the conclusion of this century,and to be such a horrid scene of misery, is retarded by this inter- position of the Roman prosperity;1 and therefore we desire not to, 1 Justin Martyr, Apol. When therefore weare called forth to sacrifice, we set conscience before to support usagainst the order, which tells us what kind of beings those arewhich these sacrifices are made to, that are made to the imagesprostituted for worship, and to the consecrated names of men. Thus Virgil, Thus St. Cyprian, de Idol. 4kakei/nwn Plane volumus pati, verum eo more quo et bellum miles, nemo quippe libenspatitur. " Or rather will they not own Him to be inheaven, and that He will come down from thence, and put thewhole universe in a tremor at His coming, and all mankind, butChristians, into horror and lamentation? storms of life, secured by the same ministers from the incursion of evil spirits : heart's desire. She hadher kings before she had such a circumference of her ground takenup with a capitol. Aram Fidei. cap. As yet, theJews, the original of the Christian sect, were not gone from Egyptinto Palestine when the adjacent countries of Sodom and Gomorrahwere consumed by a storm of fire; the land smells of burning to thisday, and the apples that grow there are agreeable to the eye only,but turn to ashes upon the touch. With what extraordinary illuminations didtheir porches overcast the sun !1 With what exquisite and statelytables did they take up the forum ! 15, p. 131. Vid. Yet even this same philosopher after he had given such aninstance of his true wisdom in denying the divinity of your gods,yet notwithstanding this (such was the inconstancy of the man) he. THAT THE EMPERORS MAINTAIN THE GODS RATHER THAN THE GODS THE EMPERORS. Agreeable to whichMartial thus describes it. THAT THE HEATHEN POETS AND PHILOSOPHERS STOLE MANY OF 2 Nunquam enim corpus Umbra, aut veritatem Imago praecedit. Read "L'Apologétique Apologie du christianisme écrite en l'an 197 après J.-C." by Tertullien available from Rakuten Kobo. Andit was the current opinon of the Fathers that Antichrist should not come untilthe Roman Empire iv. cap. What! ACCOUNT OF THEIR NAME. But we Christians look upon ourselves as one body, informed asit were by one soul; and being thus incorporated by love, we cannever dispute what we are to bestow upon our own members.Accordingly among us all things are in common,1 excepting wives ;in this alone we reject communion, and this is the only thing youenjoy in common ; for you not only make no conscience in violat- ing the wife of your friend, but with amazing patience and gratitudelend him your own. They willsurely collect the whole stock of malicious power into one effort forthe defence of themselves and the kingdom of darkness. Whatever therefore this dubious expression may mean, it cannot possiblymean without a form, unless it means without a minister ; because, as I havesaid, the prayers of the minister must be a form to the people. Sofar were they from complaining of providence, that they blessed God the morefor the honour of suffering, and gave thanks to their judges for condemningthem ; so far from being ashamed of their bonds, that they gloried in them, andtherefore we find that Babylas the martyr ordered the chains he wore in prisonto be buried with him. For it is to be rememberedthat Plotinus, Porphyrius, Jamblichus, and Hierocles were brought up under thegreat Ammonius of Alexandria, as well as Herennius and Origen. ti/ ga_r e0sti Platwn, h2 Mwsh~j a0ttiki/zwn ; Quid estaliud Plato, quam Moses Attice loquens? L'apologétique de Tertullien: apologie du christianisme (2e édition) (Religion). Thus thatgreat prelate. 2 Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. is the popish Purgatory, an invention not only against the current doctrine of the Son apologie des chrétiens est si persuasive qu’on ressent de la peine à la place des magistrats de l’Empire qui ont dû persécuter les chrétiens après l’avoir lu. L'Apologétique: Apologie du christianisme écrite en l'an 197 après J.-C. (French Edition) eBook: Tertullien, Waltzing, Jean-Pierre: Amazon.es: Tienda Kindle 126 Tertullian's Apology for the Christians. But if it be as you say, that they be the gods you worship whodo you all this mischief, and for our sakes too, why do you con- tinue such ungrateful and unjust gods in worship, who are somuch obliged to vindicate and assist you to the utmost of theiralmightiness against the Christians? Antiquior omnibus, etc. For certainly the reasonof a resurrection is only in order to judgment; and therefore it isnecessary that the bodies which have been instrumental to theactions should be the same bodies which are summoned from thegrave to judgment, "that every one may receive the things done inhis body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good orwhether it be evil. through the country, the word is, Away with these Christians to the Spectaculis vestris in tantum renunciamus, etc. Hist. words, ti/ gar kako&n e0stin ei0pein, ku&rie Kai/sar, Nubes numeret orans. THAT CHRISTIANS HAVE A BETTER RIGHT TO A TOLERATION Eccl., and so instructed his scholars in theChristian mysteries, as well as the pagan philosophy at the same time. Oramus etiam pro Imperatoribus, pro Ministris corum, etc. Gent. lib. CONCERNING THE DISCIPLINE OF CHRISTIANS AND THEIR EMPLOYMENT AND WAYS OF LIVING. For it is not possible fora miracle of three or four hundred years' continuance in public to be suspectedfor a cheat. favourites of heaven upon the account of their grandeur, is evident from that ofValerius, lib. : with notes [&c.] by W. Reeves.London 1709. cap. A FURTHER VINDICATION OF THE USEFULNESS OF CHRISTIANS TO H. Eccl. 14, p. 242. Suetonius in the life ofAugustus writes thus of his refusing the title of Dominus, or lord, cap. With what zeal did they preachtheir crucified Master before Sanhedrim and Senate, in the face of all the dis- couraging tortures witty malice could invent! THAT HUMAN LAWS MAY ERR, AND THEREFORE MAY BE MENDED. Consider this,1 0 you impartial judges, and go on with yourjustice, and while our soul is pouring out herself to God in thebehalf of the emperor, do you be letting out her blood. says Horace. If so, whence came theCassiuses, the Nigers and Albinuses ?2 Whence those who set uponthe Emperor Commodus between the two laurel groves at Lauretum ?and those who got him strangled at his exercise with his wrestling-master Narcissus ?
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