Putting up their coats as collateral, they place a bet with their bookie, and promptly lose both the bet and their coats. Meanwhile, at Buffalo Bill’s house, Catherine Martin is held at the bottom of a well in the basement. Goeth negotiates his release. As a bell on the Christmas tree rings, Zuzu says that every time a bell rings an angel receives his wings, and George knows that this time it was Clarence. The next morning, Nathan and Sophie invite Stingo for an outing to Coney Island. When Holden asks him to describe his mother, Kowalski shoots the agent. When Vickie arrives, he punches her, prompting her to go home and pack her things. In the evening, alone with Sport, Iris expresses her unhappiness, but he manipulates her into staying. Blade Runners are responsible for disabling, or “terminating,” them. Woody tries to hide Buzz so that Andy cannot choose him, but in doing so, he accidentally pushes Buzz out the window. Jake recognizes the names of many of the residents as the same as those on the newly recorded deeds, but when he speaks with one of the residents, Emma Dills, who is making a quilt with an emblem for the Albacore Club, she knows nothing about any property in the Valley. He attempts to psychoanalyze Clarice, guessing by her accent and clothing that she is from West Virginia and only one generation removed from “poor white trash.” When she asks him to fill out an FBI questionnaire, he loses patience with her and sends her away. That night, Munny and Ned complain of their discomfort when they make camp. He falls asleep at the table and dreams that he is entertaining the girls by creating the illusion of as dance using rolls attached to two forks, but when he wakes, he is alone. After picking up Candy and Rose, friendly prostitutes with whom he is acquainted, he takes the men to a marina, where he convinces the harbor master to let them charter a boat, introducing himself and his cohorts as doctors from the mental institution. John is cruising the streets in search of companionship when several people tell him that Bob Falfa, an out-of-towner driving a 1955 Chevy, wants to race him. A bachelor, Jeff has been spending his days sitting in a wheelchair, watching his neighbors through the rear window of his two-room apartment. Da Mayor, taking the dollar he earned from Sal to a convenience store to buy a beer, reprimands the Asian storeowners, Sonny and Kim, for running out of his preferred drink. Later, when Taylor himself arrives, he tells Jeff that he runs Paine, and that if Jeff is smart, he will cooperate. Back in New York, Annie accuses Alvy of following her. That night while hunting for Peabody at an exclusive restaurant, David again encounters Susan, who causes him to slip on his top hat, embarrass himself in front of psychologist Dr. Fritz Lehman, tear his jacket and split the back of her gown. At the prison camp, Clipton warns Nicholson that he could be charged with treason for collaborating with the enemy. "King" Kong, did not receive the recall message. Miller. Afterward, Jules and Vincent go to a diner. Seeing a white car in the parking lot, Curt hopes to find his mysterious blonde, but finds instead a couple inside necking. Chief’s three young crew members consist of a saucier from New Orleans, LA known as Chef; champion surfer Lance Johnson from Southern California; and Clean, a teenager from the Bronx, NY. With sudden vitriol, she screams that she owes him nothing and no longer wants to feel like a loser, and after Paulie collapses in drunken exhaustion, Adrian and Rocky agree that she will move in with him. When Salvy follows Joey outside, Joey kicks him, then bangs him in the head with a taxicab door. There, they find unusual footprints, which they assume were made by coyotes. As the train whistle is heard in the distance, Nicholson spots the wires and calls Saito to go with him and investigate. Keyes concludes that Dietrichson was ignorant of the policy, and he is suspicious of Phyllis. Deckard insists that Replicants have neither scales nor family photos, so the findings are particularly strange. While playing the piano, Butch listens sympathetically as Homer talks about his family's self-consciousness, then plays "Among My Souveniers" for Al, who dances lovingly with Milly. Lo and behold, Andy is given an impressive action figure called Buzz Lightyear. As her car goes toward New York, Peter passes it, going in the opposite direction, but Ellie does not see him. When she trips, he catches up to her and beseeches her not to fear him. Following the fight, Jake is suspended by the boxing board while the district attorney probes into the possibility of a fixed fight. Devastated, Scottie leaves the scene. Cast: Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Writer: Bert Kalmar|19808||Harry Ruby|67181. Schrank enters, prompting the two gangs to pretend to get along, and demands to know what they are planning. Andy brings the information to Warden Norton, who refuses to help, out of fear that Andy will implicate him in the money laundering scheme. Renault then quickly telephones the police, but instead of turning in Rick, he advises them to "round up the usual suspects," and the two men leave Casablanca for the Free French garrison at Brassaville. Both gangs are poised to fight, when Glad Hand, the social worker, and Krupke intervene. Curtin manages to crawl away and is found by Indians and brought to the village where Howard is being honored. On the day that Roman Consul Quintus Arrius takes command of the vessel, Arrius goes below to survey the rowers. As a car plunges into the water, the Confederate Army fires at the approaching Union troops who are fording the river. When Maj. Hughes, a public works engineer, criticizes the men’s lack of teamwork, Nicholson declares that they will rebuild the company’s morale by building an exemplary bridge. The women refuse to let her approach, and when Esther reveals that Judah is not dead, but in Jerusalem, Miriam makes her promise to tell him that they have died in prison. address. After a segment of the bridge collapses, a defeated Saito has Nicholson brought to his office from the oven and explains that if he fails to meet the deadline, he will be forced to commit hara-kari. Frodo also learns that Strider is really Aragorn, a descendant of Isildur who was reared by Elves and has abdicated his throne for fear of failing his race, as Isildur did when he became entranced by the ring. Soon, Schindler is arrested for kissing a Jewish worker who presented him with a birthday cake. Terry confronts Friendly on the pier, declaring he is nothing without guns, and the two fall into a brutal fistfight. Sometime later, Malcolm has recuperated from the gunshot wounds but has become estranged from his wife, Anna, who resents his workaholism. The village chief’s wife demands to know why Barnes’s men killed their livestock, and Lerner, a soldier who speaks Vietnamese, translates, but Barnes becomes agitated and shoots her in the head. After Norma recovers, she has the pool filled, and announces that she has sent her script to Paramount's director of epics Cecil B. DeMille, with whom she made twelve pictures. After working twelve hour shifts, he complains that he cannot sleep and wants a purpose in life. At work, he picks up an older man with a prostitute and complains afterward about cleaning bodily fluids off the backseat of the cab. Lawrence relinquishes control of the city to an Arab Council, but soon factionalism threatens to destroy it. Deckard later looks for Rachael at his apartment and finds her asleep in bed. Glenn and others apprehend him, while the dying Barbara Jean is carried away. Butch then envisions he and Sundance joining the army and becoming officers, and confides that his real name is Robert LeRoy Parker. She suggests taking a vote, but most of the men are reluctant, even fearful, of voting against her will. However, Tyrell informed Deckard that Rachael has no termination date. Dorothy rushes home greatly concerned, but a cyclone's approach causes her difficulty, and by the time she gets to the farm, Auntie Em, Uncle Henry and the three farmhands have entered the storm cellar. That night, after the show, Lloyd and Karen join Bill and Margo at the Cub Room, and Bill announces that he and Margo are engaged. After attaching the explosives to the bridge, Joyce takes cover with the detonator while Shears swims back across the river to await the arrival of the train the next day. This releases his spirit from the world of the living, and he vanishes. Later that night, Jeff goes to the Lincoln Memorial, where Saunders finds him and convinces him to attempt a filibuster. That night, Stanley's poker game runs late, and when Stella and Blanche return from an outing together, Blanche meets Stanley's best friend Mitch, a bachelor who looks after his sick mother. Scottie recognizes her description of the area as nearby San Juan Bautista, an old, Spanish mission that has been preserved as it was one hundred years ago, but Madeleine insists that she has never been there. Decades earlier, in Greenbow, Alabama, young Forrest lives with Mrs. Gump, his single mother, in a large, rural house where she rents out rooms to travelers. Buck dies with half of his face shot away, Blanche is blinded and captured, and Bonnie is wounded in the shoulder. As the church bells peal, they exit the church, walking arm in arm. Late that night, Miriam and Tirzah, covering their deformities in rags, go to their home. Below, Popeye sees the wreck and, stopping his car, walks disoriented to the bottom of the el stairs. When Scar appears, Martin shoots him, and Sam and the rangers attack the camp. Eventually, an alliance of Elves and Men drove the Orcs back into Sauron’s territory, called Mordor. In his room, Homer gets out of his robe, is able to drop the harness that holds his prosthetics and put on his pajama top without help, but after that, he is completely vulnerable. Goeth tells Schindler that the “party is over,” and everyone will soon be sent to Auschwitz. Believing that the wife’s body is in the trunk, Lisa crosses the courtyard to look at the salesman’s mailbox and tells Jeff over the phone that his name is Lars Thorwald. Catherine cries and begs to see her mother, then screams in terror when she sees a fingernail embedded in the well wall. Thorwald then bursts in, but Jeff, sitting in the dark, momentarily blinds him by taking flash pictures with his camera. By 1913, the outlaw gangs of the Old West are rapidly disappearing. That night, Ellie confesses her love for Peter, begging him to take her with him, but he rejects her. After everyone has gone to sleep, Elliott inspects the yard and nearby cornfield with a flashlight. Despite Indy’s pleas, the ark is taken away to a vast warehouse, where it is obscured in a sea of identical wooden crates labeled “top secret.”. In response to Miller's threats, Will faces him in the street, but Amy pushes the outlaw, giving Will the chance to shoot him dead. The passenger explains that she is his wife and is having an affair. Unknown to them, however, the Dark Lord Sauron had secretly forged an additional ring, a master containing the power to rule the others, and for many years, enslaved the inhabitants of Middle-Earth, using armies of disfigured creatures called Orcs to carry out his aggressive campaigns. Later, Tina orders a pizza and Mookie delivers it. One exceptionally strong slave in the rock mines of Libya, Spartacus, is regularly whipped for displaying his intelligence and pride. Meanwhile, hoping to collect the $1,000 reward, British assassin “English Bob” arrives in Big Whiskey, accompanied by his biographer, W. W. Beauchamp. Admitting that she has never loved him, Phyllis now embraces him, and Walter shoots her twice, killing her. After a brief respite, the couple is attacked in a marketplace, and Indy mistakenly believes his lover has been killed in a truck explosion. Noting that Billy is upset, McMurphy invites him to come along, but Billy believes he is not ready for the outside world. Forrest and Jenny become close friends, and, one day, when bullies throw rocks at Forrest, Jenny instructs him to run. Angry with Mookie for tying up the phone line, Pino calls him a racist name. Regina Perlman, a young Jewish woman living in Krakow under a false identity, begs Schindler to hire her parents. The next day, Rocky learns from Mickey that Creed’s promoter, Miles Jergens, wants to meet with him, and both assume Creed is looking for a sparring partner. Ned aims at Davey but cannot bring himself to shoot. The next day the three travelers stop at a small luncheonette but leave when confronted by open hostility and bigotry. Arrius then takes Judah's arm, and leads him off, past the rowers’ hole. Sometime later, Stingo learns that Nathan and Sophie poisoned themselves. After The Man gets a shave and haircut, they return to the studio where the photographer snaps their picture as they steal a kiss. Children are loaded into trucks and driven out of the camp, as their parents chase after them in desperation. He asks Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern to help him recruit Jewish investors, who would go unnamed, as Jews are no longer allowed to own businesses. When Joey cocks the rifle he has been toting, Shane, startled by the noise, draws his gun with the speed of a gunslinger. Though Atticus is able to demonstrate Tom's innocence by forcing Mayella to admit that her father beat her when he found her making advances toward Tom, the all-white jury returns a verdict of guilty. At the bar, Terry tells Edie that he and Charley were placed in an orphanage after their father died, but they eventually ran away. Phoebe opens the door to Addison, who has brought Eve's award, which was left in the taxi, and takes it into the bedroom. At the next group session, McMurphy accuses his fellow patients of not explaining that he must remain there at the discretion of Ratched and the doctors. When their train is attacked by bandits, the Americans help fight them off, but a sudden motion of the train prevents Dobbs from killing their leader, Gold Hat. When he is startled by Karney, the man who owns the salvage company, Fred asks him if he has any jobs. Blanche turns on the radio and dances by herself, but Stanley is distracted by the music and flies into a drunken rage, during which he beats Stella. Exit visas, which are necessary to leave the country, are at a premium, so when two German couriers carrying letters of transit signed by General DeGaulle are murdered and the letters stolen, German Major Strasser and Louis Renault, the prefecture of police, are eager to find the documents. At the nightclub, the audience is restless. Soon after, a government probation officer, Mr. Deltoid, arrives at the flat and knees Alex in the genitals for reverting to outbursts of violence and wasting the government’s resources trying to reform him. Recalling that they are scheduled to spend the weekend in the country with Margo, Karen comes up with an idea to teach Margo a lesson, and places a call to Eve. She then explains to the stunned Jake that she became pregnant at age fifteen after her father raped her, then went to Mexico, where Hollis took care of her and continued to take care of both her and the girl, who is named Katherine. Months later, Judah has ridden Arrius' chariot to victory five times in the Roman arena, bringing him fame and admiration throughout Rome. Determined to win Sonny away from Ruth, Jacy begins to date him, and promises that eventually they will spend the night together. After their arrest, Messala goes to the roof and sees the loose tiles, confirming that Judah had been telling the truth, but says nothing. While Taylor bonds with Elias’s crew, a more aggressive group of soldiers drinks beer and listens to country music while Barnes and O’Neill play poker in their bunker. While the police are getting a statement from Thorwald, Lisa, aware that Jeff is watching her through his telephoto lens, lets him know that she found the wedding ring. Cast: Joseph Cotten, Dorothy Comingore, Agnes Moorehead, Producer: Orson Welles|119503||Sid Rogell|140498, Writer: Herman J. Mankiewicz|70400||Orson Welles|119503, Cinematographer: Gregg Toland|63458||Harry Wild|67353||Russell A. Cully|136664||Russell Metty|136613. By now, however, winter has taken its toll on Ratso, and he can no longer walk. That night, during the meeting, Joey overhears homesteader Fred Lewis, who witnessed the saloon exchange, declare that Shane did not stand up to Calloway. Seventy-year-old newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane dies in his palatial Florida home, Xanadu, after uttering the single word “Rosebud.” While watching a newsreel summarizing the years during which Kane built a dying newspaper into a major empire, married and divorced twice, ran unsuccessfully for governor and saw the collapse of his newspaper empire during the Depression, an editor decides they have not captured the essence of the controversial newspaperman and assigns reporter Jerry Thompson to discover the meaning of Kane's last word. Stunned, Will leaves the church and asks his mentor, Martin Howe, for help. Outside a church, a mentally handicapped man named Smiley holds up pictures of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X, saying that even though they are dead, people still need to fight against racism. Before Barbara Jean’s next performance, Delbert asks Barnett if she will headline the rally, but he declines, as he does not want her involved in politics. While he is gone, Maria allows the children greater freedom, and teaches them to sing. McMurphy suggests they escape the asylum together, but he is taken away and given electroshock treatment. The Boy is soon released, but when the Musketeer is murdered by the Friendless One, an ex-sweetheart, the Boy is charged with the crime. Later, back in Clairton, after Nick’s friends bury their fallen comrade and gather at the local bar for breakfast, singing “God Bless America” and toasting Nick. The posse then sets out to find the girls. When he stands up and looms threateningly over her, she cowers in fear. Back on the road, they hear a banging and pull over to discover Batts is still alive. Later, as Sam and Lila wait with Chambers and other officials at the courthouse, Norman is examined by a psychiatrist, Dr. Richmond. Sally comments to Brian that the only way to handle virgins is to “pounce” on them, but Brian remains dubious. When The Man sees some scattered bulrushes drift ashore, he becomes convinced that his wife has drowned. Despairing, Joe makes plans to return to Dayton, Ohio, where he worked as a newspaper copy writer. Days later, at the same time as Charnier and Nicoli, newly arrived in New York, watch Devereaux’s car being transported onto the wharf, federal agents Bill Mulderig and Klein are brought onto the case. Natalia states that she cannot marry Fritz because he might be a fortune hunter and is a Christian, and Sally commiserates with her. She says no, and reminisces about old boyfriends. The boat then capsizes, sending them spilling into the water. Delighted, Etta takes a ride with Butch who performs tricks on the bicycle before being run off by a bull. After he leaves, the cashier beats the unconscious criminal with a metal bar. Eventually, Norma, suspicious that Joe is involved with another woman, finds his and Betty's script and goes into a deep depression. American Film Institute Fantasy. Returning home, Alex discovers that his parents have taken a lodger, Joe, who defends his mum and dad and protests that Alex should not be allowed to return because of his atrocious behavior. Afterward, Ned announces he is going home. Also at the airport is Haven’s attorney, Delbert Reese, who meets with John Triplette, a smooth-talking political aide from Los Angeles. AFI's 100 YEARS...100 STARS. By 1958, Jake, now out of jail and living in New York, has been reduced to introducing his new wife, Emma, a stripper known as "Miss 48's," in a dive bar. Barbara Jean sings for a service in the hospital chapel. I’ve seen 0 of the 100 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION of all time. Tony, who has lost interest in promoting violence, reluctantly agrees to accompany him out of friendship. His friend, Rob, introduces him to Pam, a reporter for, In World War II Burma, after they are captured by Japanese troops during World War II, British commander Col. Nicholson and his troops march into Prisoner of War Camp 16 whistling their regimental tune. Production Company: Campanile Productions, Inc. Later, Joey tells Shane that his parents want him to stay and innocently lets on that his father is concerned about Ryker’s threats. Bromden goes to him, ready for the two of them to escape, but discovers that McMurphy has been given a lobotomy that has left him vacant and spiritless. At a funeral home, Clarice discovers a cocoon lodged in the victim’s throat. Scottie is intrigued when Pop states that Carlotta’s mansion eventually became the McKittrick Hotel. Billy answers without stuttering that he is not, but when Ratched threatens to tell his mother, he breaks down and is taken from the room by the orderlies. At another club, Deeman’s Den, it is amateur night. However, in March 1941, when Krakow Jews are forced out of their homes and into a sixteen-block walled ghetto, Stern reconsiders. He reunites with his wife, Emilie, and promises to be faithful to her. Miller straps on his gun, and the four outlaws walk toward the center of town, where Will awaits them. The Professor allows Eve to return to Vandamm and places the angered Roger in protective custody at a hospital. Etta joins in the next several heists and, soon, Butch and Sundance develop a reputation as. Later, Roger follows Eve to an auction at an art gallery where she joins Vandamm and Leonard. When Michael returns to Clairton, he goes to see Linda and they spend another night together. Celebrating the 4th of July, which of the Top 25 Greatest American movies according to the AFI, is your favorite? In the lowest level of the prison, Drusus discovers that the women, who had not been seen in years, are now lepers. When the machine gives them a flood of unexpected change, Lucky chases after Penny to ask for his quarter back, but she mistakes his eagerness for mashing and refuses his request. While he lumbers down to the water, the bulrushes concealed under his arm, she bounds onto the boat after entrusting their baby to The Maid's care. Later, having decided to stick together as a group, the homesteaders and their families go to town to shop for the next day’s Fourth of July celebration. As the squadron assumes attack formation, their speakers blare Richard Wagner’s opera music. Production Company: Horizon-American Pictures, Inc. In the meantime, Sonny begins an affair with Ruth, although during their first encounter, Ruth is so horrified by the loud squeaking of the bedsprings that she cannot enjoy herself. Although Creed, busy preparing his media exposure, ignores the broadcast, his trainer is impressed by Rocky’s tenacity. The youths become so excited when the baron returns that they fall out of a rowboat in the lake. During dinner, the boy insists that the alien he saw was real, despite the skepticism from his mother, brother, and younger sister, Gertie. Spartacus listens from the holding cell as a friend is killed, then enters into battle against Draba. Despite the hysterical advice of Gen. "Buck" Turgidson, who advocates limited nuclear war, the President orders U. S. land forces, under the command of Army Col. "Bat" Guano, to attack Burpelson. She becomes agitated, storms out of the theater, and hails a cab. When a picture of his son, who is only a few years older than the accused, unexpectedly falls out of his wallet, he suddenly breaks down into sobs and exclaims that all children are rotten ingrates. When public interest begins to wane, Diana demands that Howard act more extreme. After Confederate troops are loaded into several railroad cars, Johnnie leaves the station piloting an engine called The Texas; however, he is so preoccupied with the chase that he fails to look behind him until miles down the track, where he realizes that the troop cars are not attached to the engine. Just as Howard had warned, the men become suspicious of each other. To their dismay, their hunters follow using torches. He then visits the local pet store in the hope of winning over the painfully shy clerk, Adrian Pennino, but she barely responds to his efforts. Your Support Makes the Catalog Stronger. After a lavish dinner party, the trio gets drunk and ends up dancing in a circle in one another’s arms until the overwhelmed Brian passes out. When Nathan catches Stingo eavesdropping, he mocks his Southern drawl and leaves Sophie, who tearfully excuses his behavior and returns to her room. Although Vaughn is delighted by the exhibition, Hooper insists the bite radius of a Tiger shark is too small to be the same shark that killed Chrissie. When they arrive in the San Pedro, Escobar reluctantly acquiesces to Jake’s request for a few minutes alone with Evelyn.