Ensure you choose a product which is high in protein, and not filler foods. If you keep your fish in a large tank (bigger than 50 gallons) you might want to consider using an external canister filter. Guppies stay small, under 2-1/2 inches in length, and will add interest and color to the small community aquarium. Always rinse everything, or put things in quarantine before adding them to your tank. Is my tank too big for only 8 guppies? Général : Poissons d'eau douce. Thanks, Robert https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/what-do-fish-eat/ https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/best-betta-food/. I have a heater and a small floating solar fountain that runs for maybe 30 minutes in the morning. your own Pins on Pinterest Hi, I have a 10 gal with 2 albino cory catfish and a male veiltail betta. You can keep one Guppy per 2 gallons of water; for example, you can keep 5 in a 10 gallon tank and 10 in a 20 gallon tank. Comme tu l'as remarqué toi même, tu as certainement introduit un agent pathogène (bactérien ou parasitraire) par l'intermédiaire des deux femelles, Effectivement, je pense que j ai du introduire une maladie avec L achat en grande surface ... j´ai quand même perdu 100 % de mes, A priori pas de pb respiratoire, mais une fois cette tache blanche apparue, les femelles, A part le produit que tu as deja utilisé, disposes tu d'un antibacterien type. By following the rule above, there shouldnât be any leftover food in the tank, but if there is â you can just remove it using a net so it doesnât settle on the floor and start rotting.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_16',137,'0','0'])); If you have fry in the tank, youâll also need to think about how to feed them. Tuxedo: front and back half and two different colors. My girlfriend doesnât want them to die ð what should I do? Thanks, Robert. They will support just about any kind of saltwater or freshwater [Continue reading â¦], My tank is 125gal. These brightly colored male guppies will be sent out in an insulated box which includes a heating element to ensure the water stays warm enough during transport. If you choose to keep both males and females, keep them at a ratio of 2:1. Iâm new to the hobby and i have a 20L tank with two guppies , 3 mollies + one male betta fish âyeah a fighter :Dâ and everything is fine , so what kind of vegetables should i feed them ? Bonjour a tous. Drop 1D a day to avoid over stressing the fish out. Iâd have one or two groups (of either Guppies, Tetras or Swords) and have 4 or 5 fish in each group. You can ready more about that here: https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/how-to-clean-a-fish-tank/ Thanks, Robert. Most people choose a ten gallon tank to keep Guppies in, but you can keep them in a 5 gallon, or anything upwards of a ten gallon. Should I provide 10-15 more guppy tankmates? So now Iâm not to sure if the guy at the pet shop actually knows what heâs talking about. I read a lot about it since and now they are really healthy, I bought a Bala Shark(Supposed to have a small mouth and donât eat small mate) and an ancitrus since then. They can also be kept with other peaceful community fish such as Mollies, Platies, Gouramis, Corydoras and peaceful tetras. Thanks, Robert. Fish Keeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and any other affiliated sites. The male fish makes brief contact with the female and fertilization occurs when he passes a package of sperm known as spermatophores into the females. but one by one the guppies have died, they look ok at night, next morning dead, the last died this morning and one yesterday too⦠all eight, my daughter is very sad, as it was her birthday present and she is really trying to do everything right, reading up etc⦠she is 12⦠(we have thermometer too and temp is ok) The original minnows and guaramies are fineâ¦.please help if you can thank youâ¦. Keep them away from species such as Red Tailed Sharks, Barbs and aggressive Tetras. La seul action d'urgence que j'ai prise est de changer 20 litres d'eau sur 100. A hang on back filter will be fine for most set ups. Thanks, Robert. Guppies are ovoviviparous, which means that the females grow the fish inside their bodies, inside an egg. They are also prone to fin rot; the tail will look likes itâs torn. You could also include some plants to help them feel more comfortable. Instead make your own larger trap to give her plenty of space to swim. Hi Kraitos, you can read our guide on âWhat do fish eatâ and âThe Best Betta foodâ for more information on feeding your fish. You can feed them either the same foods as the adults, but crushed up, or you can buy specific fry food. Echange avec Jean-jean29 sur le forum aquarium dédié à l'aquariophilie concernant le sujet If not do you have other potential recommendations for me? J ai alors constaté une mort subite et rapide de toute ma colonie de Guppies... en observant de plus pres, j ai souvent vu une deterioration des nageoires prélable a leur mort (mais pas tjrs!) The food that fish eat depends on whatâs available in their natural environment as well as their anatomy. Thanks Lauren. Iâd love to create a guppy tank . Copyright © 2020 - Fishkeeping World - All Rights Reserved. This book is available as either a paperback or for the kindle. I have 2 male guppies and 3 other females. Je possède un aquarium juwel 120l Ce matin 2 Guppy sont morts sans raison. The container is 10 gallon size however when I added the rocks and plants it only holds 6 gallons of water. 1 week after all of them were dead but 1. Maladies et traitements Problèmes divers ... quelques pistes -a- mort subite et simultanée de plusieurs poissons ou comportement très inhabituel de plusieurs poissons à la fois : la cause la plus commune est un empoisonnement dû à l'ammoniaque ou aux nitrites. Avoid fish flakes which have fillers such as wheat and soy listed as the first few ingredients. Breeding Tank: Keep your tank bare bottomed, that way uneaten food can be sucked out easily. Mort subite de guppies. Re: Mort subite de mes poissons le Dim 28 Nov 2010 - 21:40 @gus38 a écrit: tu peux trouver des test dans les animalerie, moi j'ai acheté un " Tetra[i]test" sa m'a couté 10 euros The mother is so happy she gives birth to another hundred or so right on front of me. You wonât be able to have all three groups in a 20 gallon tank. Today I woke up and notified 3 new guys in the aquarium⦠3 little guppies⦠I read a lot about what I can do with those. So Iâm planning on getting five male guppies and putting them in a ten gallon. They have a number of tell-tale signs: It is thought that males are able to determine which females are virgin and which are already pregnant. Alors voilà je vais vous expliquer mon cas. 4 mardi 11 février 2003, 20 h 46: Mort de guppy mâle. They will nip at their fins. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Iâ: planning on cycling it for at least a month or more but Iâm wondering what household items I can put in to keep the cycle going to feed the bacteria. Iâm also curious to see your opinion since I really want some Otos as well as Corys in my tank (I have a sandy area for the Corys). 2. Males are typically smaller than the females, averaging between 0.6-1.4 inches, whereas females are around 1.2-2.4 inches long. Depuis pas mal de temps on a des guppys, en tres bonnes santé.Il n'y avait qu'une femelle pour tous les males. High quality foods will have proteins listed first (for example, other fish, shrimp, and meaty products). Also alkalinity or anything that will heavily affect your water isnt very good for your fishies. Your Free Bonus: Download the complete Guppies guide and learn how to care for this fish, what to feed them and their tank needs. As we mentioned earlier, if you have a female and male Guppy in a tank they are likely to breed regardless of any input you have.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',125,'0','0'])); You can either choose to put the female in a breeding trap, use a breeding tank around a week before she is due to give birth, or remove the female fish once the fry are born to prevent her from eating them. that was 3 weeks ago, we have since added 2 air stones and pumpâ¦. The gestation period is usually between 21 and 30 days. I have mind down to 76 they are swimming better. Thank you for your advise. Towards the end of her pregnancy you may be able to see the eyes of the babies through her translucent skin. Then I noticed seven babiesâ¦. web browser that Sophie42: le 29/09/2017 08:04. Again, this can be treated with medication, and prevented by choosing suitable tank mates who wonât nip. Thanks, Robert. 40 guppy ca doit grailler sévère!! Keep their water clean, and provide them with a well-balanced diet and youâll be rewarded with a group of entertaining, active swimmers for your tank. Your email address will not be published. I only had three guppies, I planned to buy more. Mort subite d'un guppy male. I have a 100L(29G) planted tank (60x40x40cm) that I have a thick bed of substrate in. When a person makes a pouting face that resembles a fishes face. Are Guppies Suitable for your Aquarium? The set-up of your tank will depend on your intentions for keeping this fish. He forgot to tell me about the aquarium cycle and I didnât know that this hobby was so complicated. mort subite d'un poisson ! Sujet: Re: Mort d'une femelle Guppy : maladie ? Since then, the fish has undergone a few name changes, including Lebistes reticulatusand is now known as Poecilia reticulata. You should alternate between flake food, live/frozen food and vegetables. Le lendemain 1 guppy femelle, et jusqu'a aujourd'hui où il m'en reste plus qu'un! ... Un test de l'eau s'impose, quelle quantité de nourriture donnes tu a tes poissons et à quelle fréquence? Général : Poissons d'eau douce. Invité Posté le 13/06/2014 à 20:21:30 . How often should I change the water? Une mort subite d'un grand groupe comme ça, j'ai presque envie de dire qu'il y a un empoisonnement à quelque chose, les guppy étant plus fragiles qu'un ancistrus & des kuhlis. These fish grow very large and need a huge tank (min 150 gallons) You can read more about caring for them here: https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/bala-shark/ As for the guppies, theyâll need their own tank and the food youâre feeding them is fine. If you want to keep them with other non-fish animals, you could house them with Ghost Shrimp or African Dwarf Frogs. If you over feed your fish, this can lead to problems with their health and affect the water quality in your tank. How many of each should I get? Any input is very appreciated. Les alevins guppys vont bien. Je ne comprend pas, les test de l'eau (truffaut et maxi zoo) sont bons. 5 guppy mâle ( maintenant plus que 2 ),3 black molly lyre femelle et 6 alevins black molly.Ph=7.2,NO2=0,NO3=25,Th=15,temp=27.5. J'ai fait un changement d'eau hier soir je suis redescendu à 0.6 j'ai changer la moitié du bac, je vais rechanger encore une partit ce soir. Feb 17, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Davonyai Crews. A belgian. Use floating plants (such as Java Moss) to create a place for your fry to hide in. Females often have a gravid spot (a dark spot just behind the anal fin, which gets darker during pregnancy). Ideas?? If so, no you canât. Would it be fine? There are lots of different ways that fish breed. Apologies if itâs been posted somewhere else, Iâve been flicking through a bunch of your guides and havenât seen specific mentions yet. Welcome to Fishkeeping World. Hi l have 6 guppies and have no babies yet i have had them for 3 months what am I doing wrong ?? With its unique curved shape, it offers an attractive panoramic view into your miniature watery world. To supplement the fish flakes you can feed your fish either live or frozen foods such as shrimp and bloodworms. ... Emploi: Etudiant Date d'inscription : 30/04/2007. Hi Amelia, Iâd recommend keeping a maximum of 30 Guppies in a 40 gallon tank. Leopard: spots that look like leopard spots. With the addition of a few friends I would assume your guppies to liven up. Mort subite Blonde Lambic. Bonjour j'aurai besoin de conseils, j'ai mis en route mon aquarium de 58L il y a 1 moi maintenant j'ai fait les choses dans les règles mis les bacteries, le co Something like that. Would it be ok to add around 4 guppies? 4 mardi 11 février 2003, 20 h 46: MORT SUBITE. Had 10 guppies in 20 gallon tank every 2 weeks one or 2 died nitrite and nitrate were good want more guppies but Iâm scared new to fish, Hi Melody, how long was it since your last guppies died and how old is your set up? Bonjour, Jai depuis quelque temps des morts quotidiennes de guppys et de neons et uniquement ceux-ci. I have a small container pond on my deck and I recently added 6 male guppies. Hi Ethan, the nitrogen cycle will establish itself naturally so you donât need to add anything. Modified anal fin; males have a modified anal fin which is known as a gonopodium. I did ask the people at the fish shop what are good fish to get that are happy to live together and I was told what we have is completely fine. Or recommended to have at least a couple together? Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. This ensures you have the appropriate bacteriaâs which will convert harmful compounds into less harmful ones. As Iâm just starting off I was wondering how many guppies should I get for my size tank? Good luck! Guppies keep dying! They are very popular in the aquarium trade for their truly unique look and their bright coloration. The store told me monthly. Is that ok? Puis une autre a grandi et a pu prendre la releve. Au secours! I was thinking of having tetras but since they need even larger schools I thought the bioload might be too high. If I move her to another tank should I get another female or two to keep her company? Iâm not sure what to do here. Elevage guppy en exterieur Prix guppy endler Guppy collar Crevette red cherry et guppy Poisson compatible guppy Guppy eau du robinet Différence entre guppy et endler Maladie point blanc guppy Guppy poisson prix élevage guppy en classe Guppy male duree de vie Crevette avec guppy Guppy croissance Temperature dâun aquarium pour guppy Guppy mort subite Guppy red scarlet Guppy ⦠Hi Kerrin, I feel the same when I see one of my fish getting bullied and if it were me Iâd be putting her in a 10 gallon tank with a couple of other females. Thanks, Robert. You can keep one Guppy per 2 gallons of water; for example, you can keep 5 in a 10 gallon tank and 10 in a 20 gallon tank. If you choose to keep both males and females, keep them at a ratio of 2:1. 2. Mort subite d'un poisson ne veut pas dire obligatoirement nitrite (ce serait trop simple), après il faut faire un peut comme les experts (LOL) amasser des preuves, mais bon déjà pour nous c'est pas facile alors pour les autres (vu que la personne peut omettre un détail important). LED lighting about 8hrs daily. Re: Mort subite de femelle ( cause inconnu ) par cedricwatrelot le Dim 5 Avr - 22:47 Pour la première hypothèse, je la réfute ce sont toutes des femelles issus de ⦠Général : Poissons d'eau douce. Hi Gian, how strange! Water, ph/ammonia/nitrate/nitites are good. Feeds on wor⦠Mataius a écrit :Je pense que tes femelles. J'aime Je n'aime pas. I have had my tanks I have 3 currently a male a female and a birth tanks all cycled. They are not fussy eaters and will eat whatever you give them, including mosquito larvae.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_21',120,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_22',120,'0','1'])); Their main diet should be good quality fish flakes. 25% water changes weekly. Guppies breed like crazy. This process takes between 4-8 weeks, and requires the ammonia and nitrite levels to peak and then drop back to zero, meaning that the levels are safe for any inhabitants because the tank has had chance to establish a bed of bacteria to break these compounds down. Water temp is 78F, light pebble substrate, 1 back filter, 1 small sponge filter, some plants and decor⦠all readings look good regarding chlorine, nitrites, nitrates, ammonia levels, alkalinity, etc. I have to clue whatâs going on⦠since all fish died last week, I changed back hang filter, cleaned sponge filter, threw out pebbles and put in new pebbles.. doing fish less cycle⦠any clues? All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you âas isâ without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Unique color strains have been developed through selective breeding programs. I saw a previous comment you made abut a 5G holding 3-4 guppies. Whilst they can tolerate a wide range of waters, and of pHâs, from 5.5-8.5, the most ideal pH for them is between 7.0 and 7.2.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',116,'0','0'])); As with the majority of fish, youâll also need a filter â the type you choose will fall down to the size of your tank and your personal preference. Thanks, Robert, Hi, I have a community tank that is 87 litres and we have 2 dwarf gouramiâs, 1 angelfish, 1 tiger barb, 1 bristlenose catfish, 1 Siamese algae eater and we also had 5 guppies. besides the pellets âand meat for my bettaâ ? There are so many aquarium varieties due to breeders creating new strains with brighter colors and more patterns on their bodies and tails; even today, there are still new varieties being introduced. Fancy Guppy was specifically developed to meet the nutritional requirements for your Guppy fish. They come in all different types of colors, sizes and tail shapes. You can even get albino variations, with bright red eyes and completely white skin. This requires routine maintenance and cleaning to help maintain the delicate eco system in your tank. They will need to be fed smaller amounts, more frequently. In a 29 gallon tank you can keep 6 of each of the catfish and 5 guppies. Thanks, Robert, Can i use a submersible top filter pump in a 15gallon guppy tank? Dirk, Hi Dirk, yes you can definitely add more guppies to a 125 gallon tank. le Mer Fév 13 2019, 16:41. Hi Anastasia, itâs great that youâre doing so much research before diving straight in.Youâll be able to have a group of 3 or 4 Guppies in a 5 gallon tank. Havent added any fishes yet. Thanks, Robert. Hi Dawn, this may be an obvious questions but do you have a selection of males and females? Hi Sarah, you havenât let your tank complete the nitrogen cycle which is essential before adding any fish. Guppies are freshwater tropical fish native to South America, and are from the Poeciliidae family. It was taken back to British Museum and given the name Girardinus guppii, by an Ichthyologist. To reduce the chance of disease entering your tank: Guppies are a very colorful and peaceful fish, perfect for both beginners and experienced fish keepers.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'fishkeepingworld_com-sky-1','ezslot_31',127,'0','0'])); They are hardy and make an ideal first time fish, but also come in a wide range of colors, patterns and tail shapes which makes them appealing to experienced fish breeders. We have articles on each of these species, so feel free to have a read of their particular care needs. Snakeskin: chain-link pattern and rosettes. 3.Could water alkalinity be stressing them? > Guppy mort inexpliquée. I was thinking some fancy guppies, neon tetras, swordfish, maybe Cory catfish and an Amano or cherry shrimp. She can have multiple pregnancies from only one fertilization over a period of time.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-2','ezslot_27',124,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-2','ezslot_28',124,'0','1'])); It takes between four and five days from when the egg is fertilized to the embryo being nearly completely formed. Was wondering if I could keep a few Neon (10), mollies(4), honey gouramis(4) and of course the star of the tank, guppies. Here are some examples: Youâll find a wide variety of tail shapes too including: Their natural habitat is in the warm freshwaters of South America, so itâs important to replicate these conditions into your tank to provide them with the most natural environment possible.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_8',115,'0','0'])); As with any fish tank, you always need to make sure that the tank is set up correctly, and that the water is properly cycled. The current is obviously too strong, Hi Von, you can gauge this by how well your Guppies cope with the current. larryi86 Poo-Bah (4,342) Apr 4, 2010 Delaware. Let us know in the comments section belowâ¦, Comet Goldfish: Size, Lifespan, Care Guide and Moreâ¦, Cichlids Complete Guide: African, South American, Dwarf and Moreâ¦, Bichirs have long eel-like bodies that will add a peculiar appearance to your tank. I have a 60 gallon African Cichlid tank which has been going for 2 months, no deaths, everything looks good. Ideal plants to keep these fish with include Hornwort and Amazon Sword Plants. I would like to get at least another male if possible. Thanks, Robert. Hi Keya, I wouldnât keep Guppies with Betta fish unless you have plenty of experience and certainly not in a tank of this size. Forum du site Aquariophilie.org de nombreux sujets aquariophiles sur les aquariums poissons exotiques, les crustacés mais aussi les plantes aquatique et les techniques aquascaping en eau douce et eau de mer récifal et coraux You can also include 4 corys, such as the Bandit Cory and 4-5 shrimps. Stay calm, be happy, enjoy your guppies and get to know them..Iâm sure they will surprise you soon. I rush out and buy reed plants for the fry to hide in and change the water. Its quite alright but don't expect to be blown away as with other world class lambic. One of my guppies, a female, is hanging out at the top of the tank and avoiding all of the other fish. Some varieties can also look metallic. Au secours! Cheers! Include holes for the fry to swim out of. Oui, il existe des variarions de sensibilité d'une espèce à l'autre. They have iridophores which are cells that donât have color, and reflect light which creates an iridescent effect. Hi Steacy, Iâm always concerned when I hear Bala Sharks are being sold to beginners. can i have guppies with black moors? I also made a mix of flakes and bug bites(larvae) I crush them because theyâre so small. Paramètre eau No3 10 (d'après le test c'est encore bon) No2 0 Gh 7 This is a disease where small white dots grow on the fishâs skin and youâll notice them rubbing their bodies against objects. I have a 36 gallon tank with a variety of guppies, platys, and danios. I donât have room for another large tank so it would have to be a 5 or 10 gallon if I get one. So I was think that I could feed them a flake food in the mornings and then I could alternate between bloodworms and veggies in the evenings. Mort subite d'un guppy male. Hope that helps! He is also a proud member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America and the Nature Conservancy. They have this crazy behavior of dashing straight up and speed diving back down. You can read this article which will tell you exactly how to set up and cycle your tank: https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/bristlenose-pleco/. And how do I clean my tank? Hi Shadyn, do you mean Black moor Goldfish? Carpet grass with some java fern and moss and some A.nana. Sword shaped (double, top sword and bottom sword). Didnât see this at the pet store ever. Général : Poissons d'eau douce. But the past week every day in morning we have checked the tank and one by one found a guppy down the bottom of the tank dead with no tail fin. I have a 15 gallon column tank that Iâd like to set up again . Thanks, Robert. et du coup pas évident à doser la nourriture. In this article, weâll be looking at everything about Guppies: how to care for them, their perfect diet, habitat and tanks mates for them, how to breed them, and much more.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_32',108,'0','0'])); To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a Membre : Accro. Guppies are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animal matter. If you want to speed the cycle up you can add ammonia or a bacteria starter which most fish stores sell. Hi Person, Roughly 4-6 weeks. Hi, I have a 100 gallon tank, running for nearly a month. a week or so later I see another group of fry being bornâ¦. Hi Sophia, I would stick to feeding them treats only one or twice per week. I started this hobby about a month ago, I bought some plants and 12 baby guppies. Mort subite d'un guppy male; Pages: [1] En bas. And I donât have a good place to put them alone. Allow a bed of helpful bacteria to build up and monitor the water parameters over the next few weeks before adding Guppies again. Is this enough room for my guppies? Ce matin j'ai trouve mon seul guppy mâle mort dans mon bac de 100 litres. The Guppy is one of the most well-known and popular aquarium fish for both beginners and seasoned aquarists alike. Thanks, Robert. The type of substrate you choose is entirely down to personal preference. As weâve already mentioned, Guppies come in many different colors and sizes, with different shaped tails too.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_23',112,'0','0'])); In the wild, females are typically grey and males have colorful stripes, spots or splashes in a wide range of colors. Mon problème est que depuis ce matin, j'ai vu mourir 3 guppy les uns aprés les autres,alors qu' hier tout aller pour le mieux,les symptômes de leur mort a ⦠6 lundi 08 septembre 2003, 09 h 05: Mon guppy mâle est mort. Theyâve nipped her tail and one fin. Like I could have veggies Monday, bloodworms Tuesday. Donât feed your fish only one type of food because this will lead to nutrient deficiencies.