"Congo, Democratic Republic of (Kinshasa)." The left arm might be restored in te past. Many branded them outsiders and challenged their right to citizenship. Paris: Editions Michalon. 15. United States Department of State. Les médias sociaux font que tout se partager aisément indépendamment de la volonté de l’expéditeur. It was privately owned by Leopold II (not by the government of Belgium, of which he was the constitutional monarch). Dois-je répondre ou inviter Bilombele à relire ses contradictions/Incohérences/Falsification? February 1999. 4th ed. According to MONUSCO, since the creation of the M23, there has been an increase in tension between the Banyamulenge, the Bembe and the Bafuliru in the Fizi territory in South Kivu (ibid. More than 100 villages – the majority of them Banyamulenge – have been burnt, according to some estimations. “There is a total imbalance in terms of attention,” said Maureen Philippon, Congo country director for the Norwegian Refugee Council, which is working in Minembwe. Adventure Quest.Com. Language Resources OLAC resources in and about Bembe. Cette dernière est subdivisée en 6 groupements exclusivement bembe à savoir Basimukinji I, Basimukinji II, Basimwenda, Basimukuma, Basikamakulu et Basimunyaka. [Accessed on 10 Aug. 1999]. 2.1 Treatment of the Banyamulenge in South Kivu. TNH used transportation provided by the UN peacekeeping mission in Congo, MONUSCO. Craintes et Defis Majeurs si Mwenga-Fizi-Uvira Persistent dans la Haine : Position de la Prunelle de la Paix. Les réactions positives et encourageantes à mon récent article sur la possibilité de la création d’un réseau des réflexions et d’échanges d’informations sur comment sortir de la jungle de la guerre cyclique en vue de bâtir la paix par vos idées positives, m’encourage d’avancer sur cette piste avec beaucoup plus d’énergie et à pas de géant.… Read the rest “Forum de Réflexion : « La Prunelle de la Paix » Par Jacques Rukeba”, Dans un message qui semblait faire la propagande des acquis de l’Union nationale Congolais (UNC) et de son Président National Vital Kamerhe, le député provincial Homer Bulakali aurait versé dans les discours qui s’en prend aux communautés dont l’opinion publique croit être le malheur de ce grand pays.… Read the rest “Discours du Député Homer Bulakali à Baraka : Message de Kamerhe ou du CACH ?”, La guerre qui sévit dans les territoires de Fizi, Uvira et Mwenga embarrasse sur le plan de l’épineuse question de la position, mieux de la réaction des animateurs des institutions tant nationales que provinciales. The Banyamulenge are a Tutsi ethnic minority in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) who originally come from Rwanda (Professor Emeritus, University of Florida 4 Mar. Congo. The Bayaka Pygmies, still live as hunters and gatherers (Ibid.). Kivu. [Accessed 4 Mar. A coalition of militias drawn from the Babembe, Bafuliru, and Banyindu communities – who consider themselves “indigenous” Congolese – are fighting the Banyamulenge, a cattle-herding group of Rwandan origin often derided as outsiders. [Accessed 8 Mar. Correspondence sent to the Research Directorate. The Congolese army has sent additional troops to Minembwe, but residents say they are just standing by while their villages are attacked. Clashes have intensified in recent weeks, as the militias – known as Mai-Mai – close in on Minembwe town, where thousands of displaced Banyamulenge have sought protection around a UN peacekeeping base. 2012-03-29: revised. Support our journalism and become more involved in our community. In Congo various armies and guerrilla groups are fighting for control of the rich resources, diamonds, timber, coltan, uranium and oil. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request. Peut-être qu’elle n’était pas destinée au public. ; The Jamestown Foundation 26 July 2012; UN 27 June 2012, para. Hunting was the main activity; before leaving on a hunt, the leader would invoke the ancestral spirits, using as intermediaries statuettes kneeling in the position of a hunter waiting for his prey. Female statuettes have a pronounced, almost square, chin, a large nose and mouth, finely sculpted ears, and hair carved in relief on the forehead. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Information on Babembe (Bembe) and Bayaka ethnic groups is limited among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. “Without cattle, we have no other way of life,” said Leonard Bikindo, a Banyamulenge customary chief. They are a tough and proud people who absorbed other populations and their systems of thought in the process of carving out their current homeland in a time of widespread conflict and under economic pressure from European invaders and slave traders dur… Appel aux Massacres du Homer BULAKALI à Baraka : Au Service de l’UNC ? Washed-out roads and insecurity are preventing aid workers from accessing some areas. Hundreds of Banyamulenge civilians were massacred by militias and Congolese government forces. Sebarenzi, Joseph. In particular, Human Rights Watch points out that the grazing rights of Banyamulenge herders have been contested by the Babembe and other ethnic groups (ibid.). Ce conflit qui a déjà fait plusieurs dégâts matériels et pertes en vies humaines ne semble constitué une préoccupation du gouvernement congolais.… Read the rest “Quand la Fin de Conflit dans les Hauts Plateaux d’Uvira-Fizi-Itombwe ? 2013], Human Rights Watch. [Accessed 12 Mar. Copyright notice: This document is published with the permission of the copyright holder and producer Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB). Dernière modification de cette page le 14 janvier 2020 à 22:26. 24). L’une de grandes accusations qui sous-tendent la crise actuelle de Bijombo-Minembwe (comprenez les Hauts Plateaux d’Uvira-Fizi-Itombwe) est les tueries de chefs coutumiers. Tout véritable bembe est celui qui a son origine dans cette collectivité. People were forced to speak "some languages" in order to "reveal" their ethnic origin (ibid.). 16 October 2011. Similarly, the Observer states that the Banyamulenge are considered by the Mai Mai to be "foreigners" in the region (The Observer 16 Oct. 2012). 4 March 2013. Discours du Député Homer Bulakali à Baraka : Message de Kamerhe ou du CACH ? But it has hosted Banyamulenge population estimated to 100 Thousand who fled their respective dwellings. The UN is struggling to verify these claims due to its limited presence in the region, where many roads are impassable. [Accessed 12 Mar. "RDC : les Banyamulenge se dissocient des rebelles du M23." By Mark Lattimer in State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2012: Events of 2011. Neither the national army nor the MONUSCO UN forces are protecting these civilians.… Read the rest “Call for Special International Protection and Humanitarian Assistance: Banyamulenge in South Kivu at risk of Genocide”, A la fin de cette semaine du 11 Juillet 2020, il va se tenir une réunion autour du Président Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo à Kinshasa. However, according to the 1999 Amnesty International Annual Report, "people accused of supporting former president Lissouba were detained without charge or trial"(140). C’est avec l’humilité que j’exprime tous mes remerciements envers tous ceux qui ont lu et commenté mon premier Blog énonçant l’idée d’un cadre de réflexion pour la paix dans la partie orientale du Congo. "Accueil." LM (Fides Service 28/7/2003 EM lines 32 … A weekly read to keep you in the loop on humanitarian issues. 2013], Freedom House. The report says schools, pharmacies, and hospitals have been destroyed, disrupting vaccinations as deadly measles and cholera epidemics ripple through Congo. 1988-06-21: new. Specific information on the treatment of the members of the Babembe ethnic group by the government authorities or by other ethnic groups could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. Moreover, it is still impossible for ordinary people to differentiate between the instigators of these issues and the majority of ordinary Tutsis who often have nothing to do with political and military activities (BurundiVision 14 Dec. 2012). On a pris le courage de partir de cette audio pour informer ceux qui suivent l’actualité autour du député Homer Bulakali et son discours tenu à Baraka le 30/11/2019.… Read the rest “Traduction de l’Audio décrivant le discours d’Homer Bulakali (Par Jado, Delphin et Cedric)”. 4. Article à retrouver sur ce lien: cliquez ici, Sa réflexion est soutenue par le collectif Amka Congo: A lire ici, Des questions qui taraudent et qui ne cessent d’être posées dans l’opinion nationale et internationale sur la vraie cause des violences qui se vissent dans les hauts plateaux de Minembwe et Itombwe dans les territoires de Fizi et Mwenga en province du Sud-Kivu.… Read the rest “Sud-Kivu/conflit à Minembwe: un nouveau leadership Banyamulenge s’impose Par Buhendwa Dieudonne”, Copyright © 2020 | Eastern Congo Tribune - All rights reserved, Click one of our representatives below to chat on WhatsApp or send us an email to rkmbz1973@gmail.com, “Minembwe’s Community Resilience Signs: IDPs aiding IDPs”, “Ambassadeurs de la Paix & les Communautés Désarmés : Situation Socio-Sécuritaire dans les Moyens Plateaux de Fizi-Baraka par Muhumuza Jacques”, “Bureau Conjoint des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme : Minembwe & Simplification de la Crise”, “Mouvements Citoyens Filimbi & Lucha : Que Signifie les Communautés « Majoritaires » ?”, “Call for Special International Protection and Humanitarian Assistance: Banyamulenge in South Kivu at risk of Genocide”, “Etat-Major FARDC : Pourquoi Déraciner le Banyamulenge ?”, “Quand la Fin de Conflit dans les Hauts Plateaux d’Uvira-Fizi-Itombwe ? Correspondence sent to the Research Directorate. According to the Observer, many saw the killings as further proof of "genocide" against the Banyamulenge (16 Oct. 2012). They are representative of numerous ethnic traditions including Lega, pre-Lega, Boyo-Kunda, and Bemba. During his interview, the President of SHIKAMA stated the following: First, we suffered war and violence like members of the other communities-killings and other violations, forced displacement, exile, poverty, etc. Son nouveau article cliquez ici. "RD Congo : la justice se fait toujours attendre un an après une attaque à caractère ethnique." 1992. The family unit generally included three generations. L’article de 2014 intitulé « Babembe au Sud-Kivu : 5 ans de Différence Avec Mes Arrière-Grands-Pères ? 14 December 2012. 2013]. Mouvements Citoyens Filimbi & Lucha : Que Signifie les Communautés « Majoritaires » ? 16 June 1999.Stephen Smith. It is an international conflict with many interests.’. Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'homme (FIDH) et Observatoire congolais des droits de l'homme (OCDH). Wikivoyage; Wikipedia; Overview: Map: Satellite: Directions: Overview : Map: Satellite: Directions: Photo: Orrling, CC BY-SA 3.0. However, Bembe figures are the most distinctive form of Beembe sculpture. [3]. “This is not just an ethnic problem,” said Serge Mutwa, a priest from Minembwe. … Read the rest “Kakozi & Ebukala : Destruction de Minembwe dans un Complot Lointain ?”, Depuis quelques temps la question de migration, d’établissement et chefferies traditionnelles au sud du Sud-Kivu prend une tournure qui pourra tout remettre en cause. DR Congo. Fighting here is common, but residents say the recent clashes are among the worst in years. A coalition of militias drawn from the Babembe, Bafuliru, and Banyindu communities – who consider themselves “indigenous” Congolese – are fighting the Banyamulenge, a cattle-herding group of Rwandan origin often derided as outsiders. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. In correspondence sent to the Research Directorate, a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Florida, who has researched ethnic conflicts in Central Africa, including in the DRC, pointed out that [translation] "today there is a deep hatred among the Congolese for 'Rwandophones,' especially those of Tutsi origin" (4 Mar. Electronic Sources: IRB Database, LEXIS/NEXIS, World News Connection (WNC), Internet Searches. Balencie, Jean-Marc and Arnaud de la Grange. Jean-Mobert N'senga. 1. User Population. The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at, Last Updated: Monday, 28 September 2020, 07:58 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnicity, Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board, Canada. The women cultivated the crops and the men hunted and fished. Bermbe are meticulously carved ancestral figures rendered in idealized form. According to Human Rights Watch, the Mai Mai Yakutumba, based in Fizi, is primarily composed of members from the Babembe ethnicity, and the group [Human Rights Watch English version] "claims to represent the interests of various local ethnic groups and to protect them against those they perceive as 'foreigners,' in particular members of the Banyamulenge and Tutsi ethnic groups" (4 Oct. 2012). The Itombwe Mountains (or Itombwe Massif, Plateau) are a range of mountains in the South Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Freedom House states that some also belonged to Burundi's National Liberation Front (Front de libération national du Burundi) (ibid.). According to Freedom House, ethnic discrimination, especially toward the Banyamulenge in South Kivu, is still "a major problem" in the DRC (Freedom House 2012). Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Residents in Minembwe say they are paying the price as these regional tensions rise. Soleil Namasana, from Minembwe town, lost her husband and three brothers – hacked to death with machetes while searching their fields for stolen cattle. (Analyse politico-juridique par Cedric Muyoboke)”, L’audio avait été envoyé par une personne dont on ne connait pas encore. The region of Minembwe-Bijombo, the homeland of Babembe, Banyamulenge, Bafuliro and Banyindu, is currently facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. According to sources, the attackers were members of the Mai Mai Yakutumba (ibid. Relations between the communities deteriorated following the killing, by Banyamulenge fighters, of a Banyindu traditional chief known as Kawaza Nyakwana in May. When Belgian colonialists carved up South Kivu into different territories along ethnic lines, the Banyamulenge were one of the few communities denied a “chiefdom” of their own. Amnesty International.1999. Terrorism Monitor. Kakozi & Ebukala : Destruction de Minembwe dans un Complot Lointain ? Aid groups are providing limited assistance to displaced people, who are mostly staying with host families. 2013], Minority Rights Group International (MRG). Et lorsque Patrice Emery Lumbumba a été tué et ses partisans persécutés, c’est la terre des Babembe, Fizi, qui été choisie pour organiser la résistance et la libération du Congo. Etat-Major FARDC : Pourquoi Déraciner le Banyamulenge ? Language Development. Collected in the period 1953 – 1959 (More details provided to buyer). Originally natives of Kigoma region, the Bembe people of Tanzania have stretched throughout the country from their home land of Kigoma to the island of Zanzibar. L'Autre Afrique [Paris]. The rebels have bases in eastern Congo and are thought to be working alongside militias on both sides, adding weapons, manpower, and a complex regional dimension to an already multi-layered local conflict. 3, 7). While full-scale civil wars have since ended in Congo, the Banyamulenge’s quest for territory and acceptance – and armed resistance to this from other communities – has not. The UN peacekeeping mission in Congo, MONUSCO, has also reinforced its presence and called for fighters to disarm – with little luck so far. Main attackers are Mai Mai groups from Babembe, Bafuliru and Banyindu communities in association with Burundian rebels mainly Red Tabara.… Read the rest “Minembwe’s Community Resilience Signs: IDPs aiding IDPs”, Depuis plusieurs années, les Hauts et les Moyens Plateaux de Fizi, Uvira, Mwenga font face à des violences sans précédent. ; The Observer 16 Oct. 2011; Freedom House 2012). 2013; The Observer 16 Oct. 2011). (Factiva), United Nations (UN). Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request. In eastern Congo, a local conflict ... A coalition of militias drawn from the Babembe, Bafuliru, and Banyindu communities – who consider themselves “indigenous” Congolese – are fighting the Banyamulenge, a cattle-herding group of Rwandan origin often derided as outsiders. The Eastern Congo, specifically the South-Kivu Region has been going through recurring violent trajectories. ; The Jamestown Foundation 26 July 2012). Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). Dialects. “It’s how our children go to university… how we construct houses.”. « Babembe » expliqué aux enfants par Vikidia, l’encyclopédie junior, https://fr.vikidia.org/w/index.php?title=Babembe&oldid=1341529, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. N.d. "Democratic Republic of the Congo: Banyarwanda." Babembe au Sud-Kivu : 5 ans de Différence Avec Mes Arrière-Grands-Pères ? Amnesty International Report 1999. Human Rights Watch added that a [Human Rights Watch English version] "low-level inter-ethnic conflict has continued in 2012" (4 Oct. 2012). Vol. Human Rights Watch also notes that the term "Banyarwanda" is used to describe people of Rwandan origin (4 Oct. 2012). New York. Par Vikidia, l’encyclopédie pour les jeunes, qui explique aux enfants et à ceux qui veulent une présentation simple d'un sujet. The DRC is ranked as the country with the seventh highest level of risk (ibid.). This is not a UNHCR publication. [Accessed 10 Aug. 1999]. Congolese Tutsis from North Kivu have very close ties with Rwanda, particularly because of the proximity of the country (Professor Emeritus, UCL 4 Mar. They are representative of numerous ethnic traditions including Lega, pre-Lega, Boyo-Kunda, and Bemba. The ancestor worship among the Bembe is older, though, and precedes the use of magic statues, nkisi, by the sorcerers. This list, the objective of which is to "identify the risks of genocide...or other systemic violent repression" is based on ten indicators, which include democracy, good governance and conflict indicators (ibid., 216,217). Les villages les plus importants d'Itombwe sont les suivants : Kipupu, Mikenge, Tulambo, Makutano, Kalingi, Bijombo, Miki, Kitopo, Magunda, Lubumba. [Accessed 9 Aug. 1999]. 2013], _____. Resource Centre country file. This collaboration with Rwanda hardened negative feelings towards them, as many neighbouring communities suffered at the hands of the foreign and rebel troops. The President of SHIKAMA stated in his interview that the M23 [translation] "increases the resentment and rejection of the Congolese Tutsi community among other populations" in the country (BurundiVision 14 Dec. 2012). 26 July 2012. World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples. A new series on how atrocities can be prevented, societies made more resilient, and peace sustainably built. The Mai Mai Yakutumba is an armed group (Human Rights Watch 4 Oct. 2012; The Observer 16 Oct. 2011). En bas sa contre-réflexion: Cette lecture personnelle est présentée dans le souci de donner suite aux ‘insuffisances et/ou mensonges’ d’analyses que peut-on lire dans l’article de Monsieur BUHENDWA Dieudonné sur le conflit à Minembwe. At the centre of many conflicts are the Banyamulenge – a herder community that migrated here in bulk from Rwanda in the 19th century. L'Aménagement linguistique dans le monde. Great realistic figure with good patina of age. Mass theft of cattle has wiped away the livelihoods of many Banyamulenge residents, some of whom told The New Humanitarian of brutal killings and alleged a calculated campaign to dislodge them from their villages in Minembwe and Itombwe. They are a tough and proud people who absorbed other populations and their systems of thought in the process of carving out their current homeland in a time of widespread conflict and under economic pressure from European invaders and slave traders during the 19th century. Rarely do the three other communities – whose militias have their own internal rivalries – operate in a military alliance against the Banyamulenge, which is at a “high” risk of suffering atrocities, according to UN officials. Les Bembés ou Babembe habitent dans le territoire de Mwenga, en République démocratique du Congo et dans le département de la Bouénza en République du Congo. [citation needed], A semi-nomadic people, who often settled in forest environments, the Bembe tended to abandon their small villages as the soil became less fertile. (Philip Kleinfeld/TNH). But Banyamulenge leaders said they would not participate in fresh talks while their villages continue to be attacked. "MONUSCO Consolidates Peaceful Coexistence Between the Fizi Communities in Sud Kivu." The Bembe (Babembe, Beembe, Cuabembe, Wabembe) originate from northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and western Tanzania. [Accessed 4 Mar. Quand la Fin de Conflit dans les Hauts Plateaux d’Uvira-Fizi-Itombwe ? Corroborating information and information on the treatment of the Banyamulenge living in Kinshasa could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. The ancestors had close ties with the living and received offerings through the “priest” who made appeals to statuettes, the kitebi or bimbi, consecrated by the sorcerer. Other Comments. 2013), Discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnicity. Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. However, according to the SHIKAMA President, there are no members of the Banyamulenge in the M23, and most of the Banyamulenge do not support the M23 (ibid.). Aid groups have a limited presence and are struggling to access certain areas due to heavy rains that have rendered some roads unusable. Kigali has previously been accused of training Burundi rebels in refugee camps. . [Accessed 4 Mar. The more than 200,000 people displaced in recent months represents roughly 60 percent of the population in the affected health zones of Itombwe, Minembwe, Fizi, and Nundu, according to a recent report by international aid agencies working in the area. The militias are accused of stealing tens of thousands of cattle – a relatively new strategy that the Banyamulenge say is destroying both their economy and their identity. The chief in charge of the village, the nga-bula, mediated with the ancestors. The figure usually is upright with knees slightly bent, its large feet with carefully articulated toes standing on the base; the seated position occurs less frequently.